Tag Archives: nut-free

  1. Grain-free Boosted Brownies {Paleo-Friendly}

    Grain-free Boosted Brownies {Paleo-Friendly}

    Grain-free Boosted Brownies {Paleo-Friendly}

    There are many remedies, supplements, foods and other varying antidotes and therapies over the years of my healing journey that I have experimented with and included in my protocols. As with all things, I am always tweaking and tinkering with my daily routines, based on new discoveries, what my body needs at the time and where I am at in my healing journey. Often I take supplements temporarily for acute symptoms or issues, some supplements I have experimented with and can’t see any remarkable response and of course, like anyone else, there are others that my body has responded negatively to. This is the nature of examining your own health and always exploring new methods of support. Over the years, I have a few protocols and supplements that I have implemented at a time when I needed them and they have actually stuck around for the long haul. They become part of my daily routine. Among them are cod liver oil, turmeric, beef liver capsules, and of course, my daily collagen peptides. Of these, my daily ritual-based supplements, I would say the collagen is one that I noticed the greatest outward benefits from, the quickest and I see major, noticeable differences when I forget to take it. The health of my hair, skin and nails are the most notable.

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  2. Greek Lamb Burgers with Tzatziki {gluten-free, paleo-friendly}

    Greek Lamb Burgers with Tzatziki

    Greek Lamb Burgers with Tzatziki

    I am back in New York right now, visiting my family for the week. I’ve been home but a couple of days and it’s been jam-packed with family, friends, fun and of course – eating. We have yet to fill our faces with a Greek feast, but I know it’s coming, that’s always on my MUST-HAVE list when I am home.

    In moving to California over three years ago, I have found myself learning how to recreate some of my most favorite Greek dishes that I grew up eating, as well as many that I didn’t. To me, Greek food is the flavor of family and comfort and it’s the taste of home. Good homemade Greek food is always what I crave when I am feeling homesick and missing my family. Lamb is certainly a Greek favorite and while we traditionally enjoy leg of lamb roasted or grilled, I have really come to love ground lamb, as meatballs, in homemade gyro meat, in moussaka or especially these tasty burgers.

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  3. Grain-free French Tomato Tart {Paleo-friendly}

    Grain-free French Heirloom Tomato Tart {Paleo-friendly}

    Grain-free French Heirloom Tomato Tart {Paleo-friendly}

    How are we rounding the corner to the second half of August already? Where has this summer gone? This is about the time of the season where I start to feel a bit like a crazed maniac, trying to consume as much of the seasonal produce that I can, before it’s gone again until next year.

    The heirloom tomatoes have been particularly beautiful this year. They are like luscious, vibrant gemstones. We’ve mostly been enjoying them in summer salads, often as the solo star of the show, but this tart has got to be my favorite way to enjoy them, right now.

    Chilled Roasted Heirloom Tomato Soup

    Grain-free French Heirloom Tomato Tart {Paleo-friendly}

    A rustic savory pie meets pizza, meets a sophisticated sandwich. This tart is so simple to put together, you could easily impress  guests and whip it up for a weekend brunch, a picnic or tea! (I like how I say tea like I have ever in my actual adult life hosted a tea).

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  4. Turkey Club Chopped Salad with Aioli Vinaigrette {Paleo-friendly}

    Turkey Club Chopped Salad with Aioli Vinaigrette {Paleo-friendly}

    Turkey Club Chopped Salad with Aioli Vinaigrette {Paleo-friendly}

    I have jokingly said this before, but I truly, deep down, really mean it. My husband has become somewhat of a muse for me in the kitchen. Or one of my muses I should say. First and foremost, from a heavily selfish place, my own autoimmune conditions, food intolerances and sensitivities are my biggest creative driving force when it comes to recipe development. I also, of course, find so much joy in creating for all of you and your varying dietary challenges and lifestyles. All that said, my husband happens to be one of those more and more rare specimens whom isn’t afflicted with any food allergies or issues. He’s a tank, he can eat anything and everything, he’s healthy as a horse and he generally doesn’t have to worry too much when it comes to food.

    He is, as he says it “on the Beth plan”, at home, as I do all of the cooking and I generally don’t hear a complaint out of him. However, when we eat at restaurants some of his decision-making is so far askew from my own and how we eat at home, that I can (apparently) look at him like he has 3 heads, while he orders. It’s mostly a curiosity of how and why he would still want certain things after eating how we do, I am always curious how eating a bunch of starchy, grainy carbs before a meal can feel good, when he generally eats grain-free at home. I get it though, he didn’t exactly sign up to eat this way, it’s somewhat by default. But, I digress, I don’t give him too much shit, however I do take note. I take these opportunities to know that I can come home and recreate certain foods to be more healthful, to remove some unneeded processed foods and to hopefully win him over with an even better, cleaner version. It’s a game of sorts for me and the winner is always him.

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  5. Grain-Free Chilaquiles with Salsa Verde {Paleo-friendly}

    Grain-Free Chilaquiles with Salsa Verde {Paleo-friendly}

    Grain-Free Chilaquiles with Salsa Verde {Paleo-friendly}

    If you have read Tasty Yummies for some time, you guys have definitely heard me speak of my love of balance. For me the concept of individualized moderation is important, to not feeling trapped by my dietary restrictions (whatever they may be at the current moment), but also to being able to live my life normally, despite my autoimmune conditions and said restrictions. But, the word “moderation” can be a loaded one and  I am very keenly aware that for some this word it can be very much overused, it can be a scape goat and an excuse to over indulge. Moderation can be the place where we dwell without self-judgement, 100% yes, without feeling trapped by rules and to just live and enjoy life. But, if the need for restrictions in our diet comes out of necessity (whatever the reason) than this concept of “moderation” just might actually be a detriment to our health, even in all it’s innocent and fleeting goodness. It might be the overlooked moments in your week that are causing that still lingering distress, as much as you don’t want to admit it. Why work so hard 80% of the time to, in the other 20% undo all of your hard work, only to have to work that much harder the other 80% to undo that damage? There has to be a better balance. To enjoying life without doing harm. To me that balance is honoring your individuality and not just following others’ paths.

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  6. Savory Veggie Breakfast Bowls with Herb Olive Oil Drizzle {Paleo-friendly}

    Savory Veggie Breakfast Bowls with Herb Olive Oil Drizzle {Paleo-friendly}

    Savory Veggie Breakfast Bowls with Herb Olive Oil Drizzle {Paleo-friendly}

    So here we are, another recipe on Tasty Yummies where I leave a lot of the decision-making to you guys. I have to say these end of being my favorite recipes, in a lot of ways. It’s not due to a laziness on my part, more, it’s that this has always been my approach to cooking in my own kitchen and to teaching others in their own unique culinary journeys. I always want to give you the tools to make the right decisions for you, your unique desires and/or your dietary needs. My hope is that I can always help to empower you to feel confident in the kitchen, to try new things, to get adventurous and make decisions on the fly and who knows, maybe even jump outside of your comfort zone at times.

    Our nutritional needs can vary just as wildly as our fingerprints. This is why I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition and eating, it simply can’t work. I don’t believe in slapping a label on my diet, following an arbitrary set of rules and ignoring my body’s intuitive response to food.  That said, the fundamentals and foundations that we know to be true, can absolutely be applied across the board, with many little variations along the way. I think this is what I love about food so much, it can be tweaked, the details shifted to suit your needs, cravings, desires and even location – the sky truly is the limit.

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  7. Chilled Roasted Heirloom Tomato Soup

    Chilled Roasted Heirloom Tomato Soup

    Chilled Roasted Heirloom Tomato Soup

    This Chilled Roasted Heirloom Tomato Soup is so much more than your average gazpacho. It celebrates the tastes of summer by bringing out their very best flavors and honoring the preparation that makes them truly shine.  It’s strange, despite the insane heat waves, I still have the days where I find myself craving comfort foods like soup and stews, yet I still want to soak up much of abundant fresh summer produce that I can. But, a girl can’t live on salads, smoothies and popsicles, alone.

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  8. Greek Potato Salad

    Greek Potato Salad

    This light Greek Potato Salad is full of a bright, fresh tang from the freshly squeezed lemon juice, an incredible fresh crunch from the red onions and cucumber this all comes together with the fresh fill and oregano to create perfect Greek flavors. Step away from the mayo and opt for my family’s favorite summer side dish.

    Greek Potato Salad

    Summertime is the time of quick meals, picnics, BBQs and cookouts. As much as I am a big fan of mayonnaise, I have never been able to get down with the idea of it on my cold salads. I have never enjoyed it on potato salad, coleslaw or pasta salad. Not sure why. Maybe it’s too many picnics in my youth, seeing the salad and the mayo baking away in the sun, no one has a care in the world. I won’t ruin it for those of you that like it, but it’s just not for me.

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  9. Savory Cassava Flour Waffles with Bacon and Scallions {Paleo, Gluten-free}

    Savory Cassava Flour Waffles with Bacon and Scallions {Paleo, Gluten-free}

    Savory Cassava Flour Waffles with Bacon and Scallions {Paleo, Gluten-free}

    We’ve all been told from a very young age that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. I couldn’t agree more! In my opinion, it can also a really fun meal, if you open your mind to thinking outside of the breakfast box that most of us grew up with. As far as I am concerned, much like the other meals of the day, anything goes at breakfast.

    While many people opt for sweet, super fruity-centric breakfasts, cereals, toasts, carb-heavy baked goods, I, however, have always leaned into my love of savory food to start the day. I recall a time when I still lived at home with my parents and I only wanted dinner leftovers for breakfast. The looks I would get, eating leftover pasta with red sauce at 8am, were never that of approval. I have never really been one for a big pile of syrup-soaked waffles or pancakes, the idea of a sugary cereal covered in milk doesn’t interest me in the least, and donuts, OK wait – they are some tasty little dudes, I can’t hate, but again, a proper breakfast they are not! Intuitively, I have never felt like any of this is a smart way to kick off your day and with good reason.

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  10. Roasted Peach and Vanilla Bean Matcha Popsicles

    Roasted Peach and Vanilla Bean Matcha Popsicles

    Roasted Peach and Vanilla Bean Matcha Popsicles

    Summer kicked off this week, we’ve had a killer heat wave in Southern California and wait for it…it’s also #popsicleweek!! ‘What is popsicle week?’, you ask. It’s just an epic celebration with basically ALL the food bloggers of the entire internet participating. OK that may be a bit of an overstatement, but whatevs, it’s over 100 popsicle recipes brought to us by our friend Billy of Wit & Vinegar. That’s right, for the fourth year in a row, the king of popsicles has declared a whole week dedicated to this summer-inspired frosty goodness on a stick.

    So, this week is awesome and the popsicle week party is pretty much the be all end all of summertime frozen goodness. For my first popsicle recipe of the season, I bring you these beautiful, tasty Roasted Peach and Vanilla Bean Matcha Popsicles. Loaded with vibrant color and flavor.

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  11. How-to Make Homemade Barbecue Sauce

    Tutorial Tuesdays // Tasty Yummies

    How-to Make Homemade Barbecue Sauce

    Yesterday’s summer solstice marked the official start of summer, which means we also kicked off the season of grilling and barbecue. A good traditional barbecue sauce is key to a season of delicious backyard feasts. However, if you are like me, when you turn over most jars and bottles from the store, to investigate the ingredients, you are sorely disappointed. Most contain loads of sugar, high fructose corn syrup, various preservatives, thickeners, artificial flavors, colors and who know’s what else. Let’s be honest, they are also not all that good. We can do better!

    Making your own sauce is incredible simple, you don’t need any special ingredients and with this simple tutorial and formula, I also give you the options to customize your sauce and make it just how you like it.

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  12. Cantaloupe Creamsicle Smoothie

    Cantaloupe Creamsicle Smoothie
    Part of the self-initiated responsibility that I have gladly taken on with Tasty Yummies and now as I move towards my Nutritional Therapy Practice, is to not only read about and research how traditional whole foods can play a role in our healthy lifestyles and healing journeys, but to also keep my ear to the ground about new (or new to me) nutrient-dense alternative foods. I especially am drawn to foods that are more under the radar, that may be of benefit to my readers and their health.

    I know that with this community we have created together here, we have a wide array or food allergies and intolerances and unique health concerns, so whenever I come across a food that may be of benefit to the community, I get really excited. Like little-kid-on-Christmas-morning stoked!

    This particular discovery was one that I had heard about, long before I had the opportunity to sample it for myself. Camel milk. Yes, you heard me correctly, milk from a camel. Now, before you shy away I think it’s important to learn what makes this 100% wholesome, raw and natural milk an amazing alternative to cow’s milk.

    Cantaloupe Creamsicle Smoothie


    For centuries, man has subsisted on raw camel milk – and this wisdom must be passed on! Unlike the homogenized, de-fatted and pasteurized cow’s milk you’ll find at the store, that is devoid of almost all of the beneficial vitamins and minerals naturally found, Desert Farms Camel Milk is raw, non-homogenized, it contains no hormones, preservatives or additives and the milk comes from camels that are pasture raised, 100% grass-fed on non-gmo feed and they are grain-free.

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  13. Coconut Chai Fig Smoothie

    Coconut Chai Fig Smoothie

    If you have been reading Tasty Yummies for sometime, you know since moving to California 3 years ago, my infatuation love of figs runs very deep. The beautiful, big fig tree that we were blessed with, when we moved into this home, is one of the most magical gifts mother nature has ever given to me. The fig tree is a actually a long-standing symbol of abundance, fertility and sweetness, which is obviously quite fitting. Boy, does this tree produce in abundance! The only bad thing however, is just how short the season is. It’s over in a flash. Middle of the summer and that’s it.

    While we are still a month or so off from fresh figs, it doesn’t mean that I don’t crave those lusciously sweet fruits. Which is why California dried figs are the very next best thing. Available year round, from Valley Fig Growers, you can stay stocked up on your California dried figs throughout the off-seasons and continue to reap all of the many benefits of this super fruit.

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  14. Cherry Chocolate Chunk Banana Soft Serve {gluten-free, paleo, vegan}

    Cherry Chocolate Chunk Banana Soft Serve {gluten-free, paleo, vegan}

    Cherry Chocolate Chunk Banana Soft Serve {gluten-free, paleo, vegan}

    With Memorial Day behind us, Summer has un-officially kicked off and I couldn’t be more ready! We’ve already managed to get in a picnic and a BBQ to celebrate. Also important to the commemorating of this lovely season. Ice cream! Am I right?

    With all the adjustments I have made to my diet and how great I feel these days, while I very much subscribe to the notion of balance and the occasional treat being part of maintaining a healthy and accessible lifestyle, I also always apt to first reach for healthier whole food options, when possible. This recipe celebrates fresh, in-seaon nutrient-dense whole foods – bringing the treat vibes of what usually would be loaded with dairy, refined sugar and gosh, who knows what else. Read the rest of this entry »

  15. Sprouted Super Seed Bars with Puffed Rice and Dark Chocolate (Nut-free)

    Sprouted Super Seed Bars with Puffed Rice and Dark Chocolate (Nut-free)

    Sprouted Super Seed Bars with Puffed Rice and Dark Chocolate (Nut-free)

    As a self-professed perfectionist/crazy person, this recipe nearly didn’t make it to the website today. In some ways I am actually cringing that it did. I made these bars over the weekend, a recipe I had been dreaming of after being inspired and finally made the time to make them. They are SOOO crazy delicious, you guys. But, after spending the time creating them, after melting the chocolate, carefully sprinkling the coconut and giving the bars time to chill, when it came time to cut the bars, I was doing too many things at once. I was photographing another recipe, I was trying to keep the dog out of the food photo set up on the floor and I let myself get flustered. The sharp chef’s knife came out, I laid the bars on a cutting board and with the first cut I saw that I simply wasn’t present. I was somewhere else. With each cut thereafter it only got worse. Then the sun came out after the first so many photos were taken, so the lighting was changing. Things were just not going my way.

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  16. Chicken Kapama – Greek Braised Cinnamon Chicken

    Chicken Kapama - Greek Braised Cinnamon Chicken

    Chicken Kapama - Greek Braised Cinnamon Chicken

    I don’t have the best memory, I never have. I forget things easily, but my memories surrounding foods and scents, especially with family – those are strong. I still remember the very distinct aromas of my Great Yia Yia’s home. The basement often smelled of chocolate, the living room of butterscotch candies and the kitchen, of so many amazing Greek flavors. Sometimes it would be Greek pastries or bread, often there was a stew or soup bubbling away or greens she plucked from the yard cooking down in some tomato sauce.

    Chicken Kapama - Greek Braised Cinnamon Chicken

    Growing up in a Greek family meant lots of traditional Greek dishes passed down through the generations, most without a written recipe anywhere to be found. Some dishes, like this one, Chicken Kapama {kah-pah-MAH},  I can still remember both my Great YiaYia and my YiaYia and eventually my parents, making for us. I can very clearly recall the distinct aroma the house would be filled with. The warming, comforting scent of cinnamon when mixed with tomato, to this day warms my heart and brings a smile to my face. This unique flavor combo pops up in several classic Greek dishes and it is a favorite of mine. It smells like home.

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  17. Raspberry Vinaigrette

    Raspberry Vinaigrette

    Raspberry Vinaigrette

    Happy Friday, friends! I am still away on a little anniversary getaway with my husband. We’re in Palm Springs soaking up all of the desert goodness, celebrating 9 years of marriage and 13 years since our first blind date. We try for a vacation every year for our anniversary, it’s so important for us to stop the clock, step out from our busy lives and just celebrate each other for a few days. Especially since we both work from home, going away is a really nice opportunity to just be with each other, without the distractions of our work and life. We get to relax, talk, reminisce and most excitingly, nap in the middle of the day, just because we can.

    Raspberry Vinaigrette

    Raspberry Vinaigrette

    I think one of the (many) things I love most about our love, is that Mark still has the ability to surprise me, even after all of these years. He’s always keeping me guessing and on my toes and he is always willing to try something I made, just to support me.

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  18. Coconut Panna Cotta with Strawberry Rhubarb Compote

    Coconut Panna Cotta with Strawberry Rhubarb Compote

    Coconut Panna Cotta with Strawberry Rhubarb Compote

    I know many of you don’t read my words, you look at the pictures, you scroll down to the recipe and maybe you make it. Or maybe you don’t. I get it. No offense taken. Good news for those of you in the no-words-please club, you’ll be excited for this post and maybe those in the coming few weeks. I have finals coming up and studying is of the highest priority but I can’t not create and share recipes, it’s my life blood, it’s my energy source, it literally fuels me. We’re also leaving town tomorrow, headed to Palm Springs for our wedding anniversary. I plan to sit by the pool, read my text books, study my flashcards and maybe sneak in some napping and cocktails while I am at it, too. All that said, writing words right now feels harder than any community projects, any tests and quizzes, essays or book reviews – somehow it’s weighing on me heavier than anything else.

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  19. Grain-free Baja Fish Taco Bowl {Paleo-friendly}

    Grain-free Baja Fish Taco Bowl {Paleo}

    Grain-free Baja Fish Taco Bowl {Paleo}

    For most of my life, I have always had a (totally rational) fear of fried foods, something I can say I happily accepted and followed. It wasn’t until this past year or so that I finally experimented with for-real frying at home, beyond a simple pan-fry. Besides the occasional french fry indulgence, I never really found myself drawn to deep-fried anything. It just was never my thing. But to be totally honest, beyond the fact that I intuitively never liked how fried foods made me feel, it was mostly because of the scary calories and fat. And while calories and fat should absolutely be a valid concern, in excess, after spending time truly learning about fats and oils in nutritional therapy school program, I have learned what we should really fear more than these numbers, instead are the oils themselves and the havoc that they can wreak on our bodies and our health. That old saying ‘quality not quantity’, has really never been more appropriate.

    At most restaurants, even the nicest of places and honestly in most people’s homes, fried foods are generally cooked in denatured vegetable and seed oils. These are usually highly refined polyunsaturated fats that are highly unstable, especially in high heats. Often they are hydrogenated and when exposed to heat they oxidize and go rancid very quickly and form free radicals. “These chaotic, skewed fatty acid molecules, now in the form of free radicals, wreak havoc on the body attacking and damaging DNA and RNA, cell membranes, vascular walls, and red blood cells, all of which cascade into deeper physiological damage such as tumor formation, accelerated aging, arterial plaque accumulation, autoimmune imbalances, and more!”[1] WOAH – just woah, right? My life-long intuition-led opinion on fried foods was definitely not for nothing.

    Now, before we get into this recipe, I am certainly not advocating that fried foods, even in healthful oils, are something we should consume often. Like sweets and treats, even of the more healthy variety, this type of cooking falls into the category of once-in-a-while eating. But, being totally afraid of something and never being able to enjoy it, that doesn’t really feel good either and it certainly isn’t a lifestyle I ever want to live or promote. However, these curiosities for a better option, this is usually how I manage to come up with an alternative, a new way to enjoy something one-in-a-while that I never get to, but in a much more health-minded approach.

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  20. Slow Roasted Citrus Fennel King Salmon with Crispy Fried Lentils

    Slow Roasted Citrus Fennel King Salmon with Crispy Fried Lentils

    Slow Roasted Citrus Fennel King Salmon with Crispy Fried Lentils

    Recently I was approached by someone I met at a party, when discussing the work I do with Tasty Yummies, with one of the questions I dread most – “What are you?”. I am always taken aback by this question, to be a smart ass, I usually want to reply “a woman”, “I am human”, “a lady boss”, “a feminist” – or something of the like.

    Now, I am smart enough to know exactly what they mean, but I always play dumb – “sorry, what do you mean?”. To which they usually reply “well, are you vegan, vegetarian or paleo, or like, what are you?”

    While I have many wonderful friends, whom I greatly respect, that fit into each of those categories and so many others, I have always personally chosen to leave the labels off of my living. I jokingly always say “labels are for packages”, but I honestly, truly feel this way. This choice doesn’t come with judgement for those that choose to label their diet, but for me, I prefer to simply live my life and follow whatever “rules” or “non-rules” I have taken on at that specific time. But this is an ever-evolving set of “rules”, if I can even call them that. Evolving as I am. I also rarely feel as if these self-professed rules are hard-fast set in stone laws that I MUST abide by. What kind of living is that?

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  21. Grain-free Basil and Mint Zucchini “Noodles”

    Grain-free Basil and Mint Zucchini "Noodles"

    Being in the blogging world over 6 years now, I have had the pleasure of meeting some very incredible people along the way. But some, they walk into your life and you know that they were placed into your path with a purpose. I met Amie Valpone last year, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of a busy conference. We spoke like half-witted high school girls, catching up, giggling, sharing and connecting over our personal healing journeys. Amie has an infectious lust for life and for living that instantly resonated with me. As someone that has spent the past 10+ years dealing with various (though very minor in comparison) health struggles, I very much appreciate how Amie has chosen to use her struggles as a means to help others, through her website thehealthyapple.com, I also admire that she has used her very challenging healing journey to fuel her passion to teach others that your health and vitality lies in your hands and that you DO have the power to overcome. I feel like the word “inspiration” is hardly enough for this firecracker.

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DISCLAIMER: This website is written and produced for informational and educational purposes only. Statements within this site have not been approved by the FDA. Content should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise. The reader assumes full responsibility for consulting a qualified health professional before starting a new diet or health program. Please seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. The writer(s) and publisher(s) of this site are not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any recipes or suggestions herein or procedures undertaken hereafter.