Tag Archives: how to

  1. Between Meals Podcast. Episode 07: Navigating the Holidays with Ease and Grace



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    The holidays are upon us once again and wooo buddy, there’s a lot of noise right now. People telling you HOW to create the perfect guilt-free holiday menu and the best workouts to burn off ALL those calories. There are the warnings about not “going off track”, “what to do when you fall of the wagon” or “have ruined everything you have worked so hard for all year long” – ya’ll spoiler alert – this is not how it works!!

    I have been there, the holidays can certainly bring up feelings of fear and it can trigger concerns that you will be sent into an unending spiral after one indulgent meal or that in one day you can undo all of your progress. Then of course, there is the other extreme, the binge eating, the feelings of scarcity, the removal of responsibility and the urges to eat things that you KNOW will make you feel bad – just because it’s “one day”. In both extremes it’s important that you recognize you are giving up your power.

    The most important thing to remember is that YOU are in control. You hold the responsibility to make the choices that are right for you. Whatever those may be. There is no right or wrong answer or some perfect formula for how to do it all correctly. But, if you can slow down, listen to your intuition and remember that YOU hold the power to choose what is worth it for you and what isn’t. From my own personal experiences, with that realization and in knowing that ultimately I get to CHOOSE what I want – comes an incredible amount of relief to just navigate the holidays like any other day.

    Join Cristina Curp of The Castaway Kitchen and I as we have an honest conversation as we share how we personally navigate the holidays, sharing our tips on how to avoid the extremes of total seclusion and the fear of destroying it all or the other end of the spectrum – totally letting the feelings of scarcity win and just full-on binging, forgetting everything you know about paying attention to and honoring your body. Listen to learn how to navigate this busy, often triggering season with ease and grace so that you can stand in your power, remain in the driver’s seat and most importantly have a HAPPY holiday season filled with LOVE!

    This should be a magical time of year, where you deserve to relax, enjoy yourself, to be happy and merry while you celebrate old traditions and create all new memories!!!


    The Castaway Kitchen

    Grab Cristina’s book Made Whole

    Download the Holidays Made Whole FREE eBook

    Follow Cristina on Facebook and Instagram

    Cristina on Growing Up Fat: How I Experience the Health and Wellness Space




    And of course, as always, we finish the interview portion of the show with a fun game of Would You Rather? and stick around for the wrap-up with my producer hubby, Mark!





    You can now subscribe to the Between Meals Podcast on Apple iTunesSoundcloud, Google Play, Spotify and Stitcher


    Since we are still pretty new on iTunes, please do us a solid and SUBSCRIBE and of course, we would be honored if you took the time to rate and review the show, this will help more people find us and help the show to grow!  If you liked this episode or others, please share on social media and tag us, share with friends and family, etc – this means the world! 

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  2. Body Scan Meditation for Sleep

    Get ready for some serious shut-eye with this 15-minute guided meditation for sleep. Meditation offers an effective, natural solution for anyone looking to get a more restful night’s sleep.

    In this guided meditation for sleep you will utilize the breath and physical sensation in the body as an opportunity to let go of the day and soothe your body and your mind to help you drift off with ease into a peaceful slumber.

    I hope we all know by now the incredible importance that sleep plays in our health, it’s just as important as our food and nutrition, movement and hydration. Prioritizing your sleep is crucial to living a vibrant, healthful life – but our busy minds and stress-filled days can make drifting off a challenge. If we can climb into bed without the stimulation of phones or laptops, if we can take the time to relax our busy, cluttered monkey minds, we are rewarded with a peaceful slumber that will rejuvenate our next days. Because when we settle the mind and rest the body, that restfulness is what makes it easier to wind down and drift off.

    With 7-9 hours being the recommended duration for healthy, restful sleep, we have to actively work to prioritize our sleep and create habits and rituals that support a healthy sleep environment and encourage synchronization with our natural circadian rhythms.

    Meditation has been shown to improve the quality and efficiency of sleep, how quickly you fall asleep, and how long you can stay awake during the day. Meditating just prior to bed can help you to fall asleep faster and once you are asleep, you’re likely to sleep much more soundly, too.

    In addition to this nightly bedtime meditation, I suggest a daily meditation practice earlier in the day, as well, as this can continue to support mindfulness, stress management and create a more rested mind that is primed and set for a restful night’s sleep. Even just 5 or 10 minutes a day. You can also try a pre-bed daily gratitude practice. An attitude of gratitude promotes longer, sounder sleep 1https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/minding-the-body/201111/how-gratitude-helps-you-sleep-night.

    For more on the Science of Sleep along with tips on improving your sleep, along with bedtime rituals, supplements, recommended approaches for managing insomnia and more, check out Episode 06 of the Between Meals Podcast with Dr. Param Dedhia.

    Process and Progress NOT Perfection.

    Remember, if this is a new practice for you, when it comes to meditation for sleep, the most important thing to get you started is making an effort to meditate and to get quiet before you try to sleep; like most things in life – practice, practice, practice. Getting comfortable with your meditation style, learning to silence the busy noise of our minds and breath work will happen the more you do it.


    (listen now on iTunes)




    You can now subscribe to the Between Meals Podcast on Apple iTunesSoundcloud, Google Play, Spotify and Stitcher


    Since we are still pretty new on iTunes, please do us a solid and SUBSCRIBE and of course, we would be honored if you took the time to rate and review the show, this will help more people find us and help the show to grow!  If you liked this episode or others, please share on social media and tag us, share with friends and family, etc – this means the world! 

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    References   [ + ]

    1. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/minding-the-body/201111/how-gratitude-helps-you-sleep-night
  3. How To Create a Daily Gratitude Practice

    How To Start a Daily Gratitude Practice

    How To Start a Daily Gratitude Practice

    Rather than one single day centered around gratitude, I want to invite you to make practicing gratitude a daily habit.

    And what better way to implement your new habit than to practice, practice, practice. You can experience true abundance and contentment, in just a few minutes a day.

    The keys to creating a daily practice, that is effortless, sustainable and part of your routine is to understand how to set yourself up for success.

    Below are a few tips to implementing a your new daily gratitude practice, plus how to make it a daily habit and the benefits of doing so.

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  4. Between Meals Podcast. Episode 06: The Science of Sleep and How to Fix It.

    There are very few things that are as crucial to our health as a good night’s sleep.  On this episode of the Between Meals Podcast we are joined by sleep expert Param Dedhia, MD and we are talking ALL about the science of sleep and how to fix it.  Disordered sleep or a lack of sleep are serious stressors on the body that can affect heart health, insulin resistance, cognitive function and moods, fat loss and more. If you have trouble sleeping or simply want to optimize or better prioritize your sleep – this episode is for you.

    Dr. Dedhia is a Physician, Weight Loss Program Leader & Director of Sleep Medicine, Canyon Ranch in Tucson, Arizona where he championed the re-launch of the Weight Loss Program at the Life Enhancement Center and actively serves as Director of Sleep Medicine. He specializes in internal medicine, executive health, preventive cardiology, longevity, mind-body medicine, integrative medicine, weight loss and sleep.


    • The importance of making sleep a priority, how many hours of sleep is enough?
    • Sleep quantity vs quality – which is most important?
    • The Sleep Heart Health Study  (sleep apnea and it’s affects on heart health)
    • Correlation between metabolic syndrome and sleep apnea
    • Are you cheating yourself of sleep for more hours of “productivity”? How a full night’s sleep can benefit your work, creativity and productivity.
    • The importance of the timing of your sleep, does it matter when you go to sleep and when you wake up?
    • What can you do if you are alert and awake at bedtime.
    • Understanding circadian rhythm.
    • Your day time sets up your night time – tips for setting up a day that will encourage a better night’s sleep.
    • The importance of bedtime rituals.
    • How sleep can scrub out negative thoughts from the day prior.
    • Why you might be waking up in the middle of the night.
    • Understanding the various sleep cycles and what happens in each.
    • Stay curious – 6 common signs that your sleep is not normal.
    • If you have sleep apnea – do you NEED a CPAP machine?
    • Is severe disordered sleep equivalent to smoking a pack of cigarettes?
    • Why do some people sleep deeply and other people are more light sleepers?
    • Sleep supplements and other natural remedies.
    • A sleepy brain is a hungry brain.



    And of course, as always, we finish the interview portion of the show with a fun game of Would You Rather?


    Be sure to stick around for the wrap up portion of the show where we talk briefly about: 

    • different types of magnesium, which are best for sleeping?
    • bed time rituals and practices + things to consider for better sleep.
    • why your low carb diet may be affecting your sleep.





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    Since we are still pretty new on iTunes, please do us a solid and SUBSCRIBE and of course, we would be honored if you took the time to rate and review the show, this will help more people find us and help the show to grow!  If you liked this episode or others, please share on social media and tag us, share with friends and family, etc – this means the world! 

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  5. Between Meals Podcast // Bites Episode 07: How Do You Get Started?


    Between Meals // Bites Episode 07 is the final in the 3-part series all about Motivation, Priorities and Small Steps. Based on your feedback and requests on these topics, we pulled together this series that I am so excited to share with you all.

    In the first episode we talked specifically about motivation, what exactly that means and some ideas on how to critically investigate what you are doing that IS working and what you are doing that IS NOT working, so you can have some clarity in the process of getting to whatever it is that you seek for yourself and have an understanding of what exactly is acting as a barrier. In the second episode we talk all about priorities and making time so there is less pressure on seeking external motivation and needing willpower and there is more focus on creating systems and a process. It’s about creating habits that can one day be effortless, no negotiations needed.

    After the checks and balances of the first two episodes, in this final episode we are chatting all about small steps and just diving in and getting started! All it takes is one small step. One step is action and action is momentum and this is what creates movement, shifts and change.

    We are talking about the small steps, just doing a little something. Not always focusing on results or goals and instead creating habits.





    Don’t forget, be sure to listen to the first two part in this series Part One: How Do You Stay Motivated? and Part Two: How Do You Make Time for It? and head back to the archives, for more conversations similar to this, like Episode 02 we talk about finding our WHY, Bites Episode 04 we talk about Shoulding All over Yourself and even within the Bites Business Mastermind Series we have plenty of discussions surrounding perfectionism and comparison that pertains to this conversation, too.

    Mark’s Podcast Episode: My Greatest Tip for Productivity



    (listen on iTunes)


    You can now subscribe to Between Meals on iTunes or Soundcloud.


    Since we are still pretty new on iTunes, please do us a solid and SUBSCRIBE and of course, we would be honored if you took the time to rate and review the show, this will help more people find us and help the show to grow!  If you liked this episode or others, please share on social media and tag us, share with friends and family, etc – this means the world!


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  6. Between Meals Podcast // Bites Episode 06: How Do You Make Time for It?


    Between Meals // Bites Episode 06 is the second in a three-part series where we are chatting all about Motivation, Priorities and Small Steps.  Based on your feedback and requests on these topics, we pulled together this series that I am so excited to share with you all.

    In the first episode we talked specifically about motivation, what exactly that means and some ideas on how to critically investigate what you are doing that IS working and what you are doing that IS NOT working, so you can have some clarity in the process of getting to whatever it is that you seek for yourself and have an understanding of what exactly is acting as a barrier.

    In this second part, I am excited to be sharing a tool that I recently implemented into my own life for prioritizing the things that I want to accomplish and felt I never had time for. Plus, we talk about getting systems in place for finding the time to develop new habits that will become as effortless as the ones that are just part of every day life. No negotiations or motivations needed. Again, I think it’s important to remember when we look to create habits and focus on the small steps of forward momentum, it really becomes so much less about a reliance on motivation and it isn’t about looking for the magical super powers needed to reach huge, unrealistic goals. Ultimately you have the freedom to worry less that you are ON or OFF track and it simply becomes about living the life you’ve cultivated for yourself by prioritizing what is most important to you RIGHT NOW.

    Stay tuned for next weeks final episode in this three-part series, where we will talk all about small steps and getting started!

    Ultimately, I have to say that think the idea of willpower, self control and relying on motivations are kinda B.S., because to me when we rely on these as the means to get to where we want to go, it seems as if you are placing all hope in the idea that these strike right when you need them to and ultimately you aren’t taking responsibility for the process or for creating systems that will make the life you want to be living sustainable, effortless and simply just that, living. Not on track, not on the wagon, not on a diet. 

    I think just like your health, we really need to get to the root cause of what is stopping you from developing the new habits in the first place, as those are the true catalysts of making lasting change. In my opinion, also like your health, when it comes to your behaviors you need to be approaching things on a foundational level, rather than symptomatically. You just need to get systems in place that work for YOU, rather than beating yourself up for not reaching a goal or reverting to old habits because of a lack of future plans, when you finally do hit a goal. Because it then leaves it to either you did it or you didn’t, “you win” or “you lose”. Black and white. Right or wrong. When you don’t meet the goal, what is almost never acknowledged is that the problem actually isn’t you, the problem is the process (or the lack there of).

    Some of what we investigate in this episode was actually quite hard for me to wrap my brain around as I began to implement them, myself. As a true Rebel (see Gretchen Rubin’s Four Tendencies), at least when it comes to my work, I always hated the idea of systems, habits and time blocking – the idea of it all always felt restricting and like I would lose my freedom to go with the flow in the process, but I have come to realize that in developing the habits and the systems, I finally have clarity in what I am doing. By creating daily habits and systems it has opened up my life and given me more freedoms than I ever knew, because I know what I am doing and I know when I have the space to just exist without flailing and feeling like I should be doing more. When I looked at my health journey and how I prioritize my wellness and vibrancy, those systems and those habits are exactly what has allowed me to be so successful, so it’s no different.





    Stay tuned for next weeks final episode in the series, all about small steps and getting started!

    Don’t forget, be sure to listed to the first part in this series How Do You Stay Motivated? and head back to the archives, for more conversations similar to this, like Episode 02 we talk about finding our WHY, Bites Episode 04 we talk about Shoulding All over Yourself and even within the bites business mastermind series we have plenty of discussions surrounding perfectionism and comparison that pertains to this conversation, too.



    (listen on iTunes)


    You can now subscribe to Between Meals on iTunes or Soundcloud.


    Since we are still pretty new on iTunes, please do us a solid and SUBSCRIBE and of course, we would be honored if you took the time to rate and review the show, this will help more people find us and help the show to grow!  If you liked this episode or others, please share on social media and tag us, share with friends and family, etc – this means the world!


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  7. How To Make Cashew Cream {+ Video}

    Dairy-free, vegan cashew cream is so wildly versatile, you are gonna love it. Sweet or savory, it’s perfect as a finishing sauce, a dip or even stirred into soups, stews and sauces. Learn how easy it is to make plus grab some of my most favorite cashew cream flavor variations, including a lightly sweetened vanilla bean and a smoky, cheezy, dairy-free chipotle cashew cream and LOADS of recipe ideas. Paleo, keto and Whole30-friendly.

    How To Make Cashew Cream

    How To Make Cashew Cream

    If you’ve been reading Tasty Yummies for some time now, you know my love affair of cashews runs many, many years deep. It all started with a vegan cashew cheesecake I made, probably for the first time, like 10 years ago now and then finally shared here on the website in 2013 and it’s just exploded from there (see the bottom of the post for lots of recipes).  Considering I exist somewhere between totally dairy-free and mostly dairy-free, cashews are absolutely heaven sent when it comes to recreating that creamy texture you get from dairy. From sauces to cheesecakes and even an amazing keto nut butter – I am continuously amazed at what I can create with cashews.

    While I have LOADS of cashew cream based recipes from the past almost 9 years on Tasty Yummies, I am finally sharing my basic Cashew Cream recipe along with two additional flavor variations that I LOVE and make often. There really are an unending amount of variations of cashew cream depending on how you plan to use it and your taste and you can adjust the thickness and consistency by adding more or less water, plus there are also so many options for other ingredients you can add to adjust the flavors. But, I wanted to give you the basics so you could be on your way to create your own variations, too.

    I have made versions of this cashew cream of mine so many times over the years from cooking demos at Whole Foods to private cooking lessons with dairy-free folks and EVERY SINGLE TIME, without fail, people refuse to believe that it’s cashews!!


    Cashew cream has a really mild flavor, which I find allows it to be added to just about any type of cuisine or dish. Be sure to use raw unsalted cashews, not roasted, to yield the best texture and flavor. You can find raw organic cashews in the bulk aisle of most grocery stores or online with places like nuts.com, etc.

    Be sure to scroll all the way through to get ALL of the many options for flavor options, ideas for how to use your cashew cream, along with some of my favorite cashew cream recipes plus I answer a few Cashew Cream FAQs!

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  8. Between Meals Podcast // Bites Episode 05: How Do You Stay Motivated?


    Between Meals // Bites Episode 05 we are chatting all about Motivation, Priorities and First Steps. Motivation is defined as your general desire or willingness to do something. Based on your feedback and requests on these topics, we pulled together a series of three mini BITES episodes and this first episode is ALL about MOTIVATION.

    I have to be honest, it was a bit of a challenge in some ways for me to wrap my brain around what I wanted to share and communicate with you all on this idea. Motivation is an interesting and pretty huge topic. There are some areas of my life personally, like my health, nutrition and fitness, (which are the areas that most of you asked about) where motivation doesn’t exactly feel like a factor at this point. I have a lifestyle built on a series of choices I have made and continue to make and habits I have formed and implement.

    That’s not to say motivation never played a role, but I am so deeply invested in and the habits are so rooted, for many of these things, it rarely feels like there is a reliance to get motivated or a need to find it. There’s not ever a negotiation, it’s just what I do.  

    So, I had to really sit with it all and look back at where I started, to truly wrap my brain around what I could share with you all, but I also spent some time investigating the areas of my life where I maybe DO struggle with the motivation and I took a look at the steps necessary for prioritizing the things I really and truly want.

    I am excited about this series and I am also really looking forward to hearing from all of you on what resonates with you, what you still struggle with and to keep the dialogue flowing.

    Don’t forget, head back to the archives, for more conversations similar to this, like Episode 02 we talk about finding our WHY, Bites Episode 04 we talk about Shoulding All over Yourself and even within the bites business mastermind series we have plenty of discussions surrounding perfectionism and comparison that pertains to this conversation, too.



    (listen on iTunes)




    You can now subscribe to Between Meals on iTunes or Soundcloud.


    Since we are still pretty new on iTunes, please do us a solid and SUBSCRIBE and of course, we would be honored if you took the time to rate and review the show, this will help more people find us and help the show to grow!  If you liked this episode or others, please share on social media and tag us, share with friends and family, etc – this means the world!


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  9. Between Meals Podcast. Episode 05: Keto Confusion, Myths & Dropping the Dogma

    When it comes to keto, I hear the same questions time and time again from so many of you, from my clients and family members, as well I am constantly observing a general overabundance of rumors and myths. The keto confusion is SO REAL! Keto is a super trendy nutritional approach right now, with very good reason, and while I find there is lots of misinformation and misconceptions, I truly believe the benefits and potential, for so many, is getting lost in the dogma, the rules, the unimportant details and straight-up myths.

    Between Meals Podcast. Episode 05: Keto Confusion, Myths & Dropping the Dogma

    In episode 5 of the Between Meals Podcast, I am joined by Leanne Vogel of Healthful Pursuit and we take on the most common keto rumors, we answer a few questions from my readers, we chat about the keto misconceptions we encounter most often, Leanne shares her thoughts on carb-ups, plus how to know when to do it and so much more!



    • Download Keep it Simple Keto, my brand new FREE 7 Day Quick Start Guide to Keto.
    • fat loss isn’t the only purpose of the keto diet
    • keto isn’t ALWAYS about changing our bodies
    • health isn’t a static definition or a destination
    • we discuss common keto myths like: don’t have to eat fat to burn fat, protein kicks you out of ketosis, a calorie is a calorie, etc.
    • do you need to follow specific macros or static percentages?
    • when tracking ketones is helpful and why it may actually be working against you.
    • do you have to eat dairy?
    • carb ups – how to know when it might be a good idea and some suggestions on how to approach it – timing and not fearing, using to your benefit
    • the potential risks with getting lost in the rules
    • practical tips for making keto work for YOU and learning how to customize your approach for your goals


    And of course, as always, we finish the interview portion of the show with a fun game of Would You Rather?





    Be sure to stick around for the wrap up portion of the show where we talk briefly about: 

    • intermittent fasting
    • keto for those struggling with imbalanced hormones deficiencies, PCOS, Hashimoto’s Disease and more
    • + we give you some tips on how to answer ‘is this food keto?’


    Get more from Leanne Vogel: 

    Follow Leanne on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube






    You can now subscribe to Between Meals on iTunes or Soundcloud.


    Since we are still pretty new on iTunes, please do us a solid and SUBSCRIBE and of course, we would be honored if you took the time to rate and review the show, this will help more people find us and help the show to grow!  If you liked this episode or others, please share on social media and tag us, share with friends and family, etc – this means the world! 

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  10. How-to Stock a Healthy Keto Pantry

    How-to Stock a Healthy Keto Pantry

    Today we are chatting all about how to stock a healthy keto pantry and just a little spoiler alert for you…. these pantry staples are NOT exclusive to those eating low carb or taking a keto-focused approach to their diet, truly this pantry list is all about a focus on real food, healthy fats, smarter snacks and foods that will support your vibrant well being!

    If you aren’t stocked with the right foods, if you don’t have the healthful options easily accessible to you, it’s really hard to make the right decisions for your health.  I’m sharing some of my favorite keto pantry must-haves along with the best and most affordable ways to stay stocked up! So this way your pantry will be full and your wallet won’t be empty.

    Keep this list of healthy keto pantry staples handy, this is the list I share with all my nutrition clients looking to have a well-stocked pantry with the best-of-the-best real food basics!

    Most importantly, I want to show you that eating healthy and eating well doesn’t have to bankrupt you. We know the cost of health foods is an investment in our future and our health, but sometimes if feels like we need a second job just to pay for it all. But, by planning ahead and having a system in place to stock your healthy pantry, you can keep these healthy foods on hand, and keep your costs down.

    I am partnering with Thrive Market to show you in my latest video, how I stock my healthy keto pantry, sharing my actual most recent order to stock-up, PLUS we have a special deal for the Tasty Yummies community, where you can save an additional 25% off your first order, a FREE 30 day trial membership, plus FREE shipping on orders over $49. This is all on top of their already discounted prices of 25 – 50% off standard retail.


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  11. A Guide to Smarter Smoothies {Video}

    While smoothies have become a popular meal replacement, snack and all around trendy food, crafted incorrectly you can be consuming a sugar-loaded, blood sugar exploding cocktail. I am excited to share with you A Guide to Smarter Smoothies to hopefully help you understand how to better create the smoothies that are right for you.

    A Guide to Smarter Smoothies

    A Guide to Smarter Smoothies

    If you’ve been reading Tasty Yummies for some time, you probably know that the archives are LOADED with smoothie recipes. Smoothies used to play a much larger role in my daily diet routine, for the longest time it was always my favorite way to start my day. Interestingly at the height of my smoothie consumption, weight loss was definitely a struggle, as were energy crashes and sugar cravings. What I didn’t know back then, but I do know now as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, is that without the proper formulation, smoothies are a blood sugar explosion waiting to happen.

    Every time you consume any carbohydrates and sugar containing foods, it causes an increase in blood glucose. How much so is dependent on the food and the individual. Simple sugars more specifically (monosaccharides), those sugars ending in -ose, sucrose, glucose, fructose, lactose, galactose, maltose – these are metabolized especially quickly and can often cause a big surge in insulin.

    Our body’s innate intelligence continually monitors the amount of glucose in our bloodstream to maintain balance and homeostasis. When blood glucose levels increase, the pancreas releases the hormone insulin.  Insulin increases the uptake of glucose by our muscle and fat cells; increases the amount of glycogen in our muscle and liver; increases fatty acid synthesis from excessive carbohydrates; and decreases fat breakdown and mobilization from our fat tissue.

    A Guide to Smarter Smoothies

    How Bad Can a Fruit-Loaded Smoothie Be?

    With a spike in blood sugar, a release of insulin and the impending crash, no matter what food is the initial cause, this can lead to immediate hunger, mid-day cravings, energy crashes, lightheadedness, anxiety, etc. Even worse, if the rest of your day’s eating (and most days) continue on the carb and sugar path, you are absolutely creating a long term problem. Whether you are overweight, struggle with weight loss or notice blood sugar issues or not.

    Day in and day out this roller coaster can lead to a slew of health complications beyond obesity, lethargy and cravings. To simplify the worst of it, constant output of insulin is like the boy that cried wolf, your cells stop responding to the insulin that is constantly being produced and they become resistant, meaning without the insulin to transport the excess glucose to your cells for energy production, blood sugar levels remain high and this is can lead to chronic insulin resistance, pre-diabetes and eventually diabetes.

    These days, I personally prefer to opt for (and I recommend to my clients) the prioritizing of nutrient-dense whole foods, rather than drinkable meals, like smoothies or juice. Whole foods offer the opportunity for maximum nutrient absorption, which allows our digestion to work as intended, and assuming these whole foods aren’t loaded up with carbohydrates and sugar – it’s much easier on your blood sugar.

    That said, in the summer I do find myself with a much different appetite and my cravings differ quite significantly from the cooler months. I am not nearly as ravenous for more robust meals, especially on the hotter days. In the summer months I find myself wanting and craving more smoothies than any other time of the year. Knowing what I know now, my approach to creating them has drastically changed, so today I am going to share with you my Guide to Smarter Smoothies.

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  12. 6-Minute Crispy Skin Cast Iron Salmon

    Much like other staples in our household, shredded chicken, Big F*ckin’ Salads, and hard cooked eggs, this 6-Minute Crispy Skin Cast Iron Salmon is a weekly mainstay!  Here’s the best part, this Crispy Skin Cast Iron Salmon is ready in six minutes! You heard me – SIX!

    6-Minute Crispy Skin Cast Iron Salmon

    6-Minute Crispy Skin Cast Iron Salmon

    If you dare tell me that you don’t have time to make dinner, we will fully get into it. I can promise you that. With delicious, nutrient-dense meals like this, ready in under 10 minutes, there are literally NO excuses. Grab the cast iron skillet, have some high quality, sustainably caught, skin-on salmon on hand, every week, choose some nice organic greens or another fiber-loaded green veggie and BOOM, in under 10 minutes you’ve got dinner. Easy.

    6-Minute Crispy Skin Cast Iron Salmon

    6-Minute Crispy Skin Cast Iron Salmon

    Best part, wild caught salmon is an incredible source of quality omega-3 fatty acids. In our household we shoot to eat quality salmon or other omega-3 rich fatty fish, at least 3 times a week, I notice this makes a really big difference in my health, my skin looks better when I am on top of my omega-3 fats and I just feel better. And dang, it is truly so delicious!

    As always, I am gonna preach what I always teach and that is quality matters. Seek out a sustainably fished, wild caught salmon. Not only is it better for your health, it’s better for the environment and the earth! Don’t skimp here. And the skin, lots of extra nutrients in there, so not only is it tasty AF, it’s giving you some good stuff, too.

    6-Minute Crispy Skin Cast Iron Salmon

    Things I want you to know about my Crispy Skin Cast Iron Salmon:

    1. It’s basically the only way to eat salmon!
    2. If you’ve got the time, let the salmon filets rest in the fridge, uncovered, skin side up, to dry out the skin. 15 to 30 minutes ahead of cooking, an hour if you’ve got it. This makes a world of difference. Trust!
    3. Do not overcook your salmon, dry salmon sucks.
    4. Cast iron is where it’s at. The cast iron gets hot and stays hot, evenly. I like to turn the heat off for those last couple of minutes of cooking on the other side, so it’s not crazy hot, but there’s no need to move the pan to the oven or broiler.
    5. Serve your salmon, crispy skin side up. If you take it out of the pan and serve skin side down, you broke it, the skin will lose that amazing crisp.

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  13. Between Meals Podcast. Episode 04: Celebrating Non-Scale Victories // Don’t Caught Up in Meaningless Metrics

    We’ve all been there… letting the scale determine our worth, letting our followers, our likes and other arbitrary metrics determine our progress and our success. I am excited today to be chatting about how-to Celebrate the Non-Scale Victories – Don’t get caught up in the meaningless metrics.

    Between Meals Podcast. Episode 04: Celebrating Non-Scale Victories // Don't Caught Up in Meaningless Metrics

    Progress isn’t linear, nor is it always measurable in traditional ways. In your health, in business, in life! Speaking specifically about our health, we can’t use weight as our only measure of success. There are many other ways to see results and to measure our progress, taking pressure off of the arbitrary metric-based goals, like the number on a scale, as our only measure for our meeting goals. In Episode 04 of Between Meals we talk all about celebrating non-scale victories and measuring progress in our health and in our life, in non-traditional ways and not letting the numbers define you!

    Episode References: Episode 02 – Eyes on Your Whys 



    I would LOVE if you took the time to share in the comments here some of your own Non-Scale Victories 


    You can now subscribe to Between Meals on iTunes or Soundcloud.

    Since we are new on iTunes, please SUBSCRIBE and we would be honored if you took the time to rate and review the show, this will help more people find us and help the show to grow!  If you liked this episode or others, please share with friends and family! 

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  14. Big F*ckin’ Salad (B.F.S.) // How to Build the Ultimate Salad that Doesn’t Suck

    Tasty Yummies Big Fuckin’ Salad. Big Fucking Salad. Big F*ckin Salad.

    Big F*ckin' Salad (B.F.S.) // How to Build the Ultimate Salad that Doesn't Suck

    If you’ve followed me on Instagram for some time, you know that the Big F*ckin’ Salad is a total staple in my kitchen, and yah ok, my potty mouth is also a staple in well, life – but I do my best to keep is mostly PG-ish, most of the time! Nearly every single day, in the Brickey household, we rip a colossal nutrient-dense salad for a meal. It’s a great way to get it loads and loads of important nutrients in one sitting, it’s filling, easy to make, fun to get creative with and they are just dang yummy! I actually feel like if I build an amazing B.F.S. at least once a day, I can be certain no matter what the rest of my day looks like, I am getting a huge dose of super important nutrients. Generally in the summer months, it’s what’s for dinner most nights, but oftentimes it’s lunch and I’ve even been known to crush an epic Big F*ckin’ Breakfast Salad, too! One of my favorites.

    Big F*ckin' Salad (B.F.S.) // How to Build the Ultimate Salad that Doesn't Suck

    I am finally walking you through my basic formula for building the perfect loaded up Big F*ckin’ Salad, so you can be a B.F.S-building Queen (or King). As far as I am concerned, all you need for a successful B.F.S. is quality greens, protein, fat, some crunchy stuff (from extra raw veggies or other add-ons) and an amazing homemade dressing. That’s it.

    Best part about a daily B.F.S? You can be sure you are loading yourself up with tons of plant based nutrients, lots of fiber and of course some quality fat and protein. Follow my formula and make yourself a B.F.S. every day to get in your nutrients and I promise you will never ever get bored.

    First things first, get yourself a SOLID gigantic bowl for your B.F.S. I love our huge wide bowls for Ikea (seen here), but I am not mad about a big salad being served in a gigantic mixing bowl (glass OR metal), either.

    Tasty Yummies Big Fuckin’ Salad. Big Fucking Salad. Big F*ckin Salad.

    Big F*ckin' Salad (B.F.S.) // How to Build the Ultimate Salad that Doesn't Suck

    (+ extras if you want ’em)

    First major rule of the B.F.S. Club:
    there are NO RULES!!

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  15. Coconut Vanilla Bean Shaken Hibiscus Iced Tea Latte {Paleo, Keto, Vegan}

    This Coconut Vanilla Bean Shaken Hibiscus Iced Tea Latte was initially spawned from from the idea (visual) of the Starbucks Pink Drink. But I call mine the PANK DRANK! But unlike the chain’s version, this one has no sugar, no terrifying fake sugars, it’s made with organic herbal hibiscus tea and it has flecks of real vanilla bean. This millennial pink tinted bevvie has quickly become my afternoon treat, replacing caffeinated beverages and bringing joy all the while.

    Coconut Vanilla Bean Shaken Hibiscus Iced Tea

    Coconut Vanilla Bean Shaken Hibiscus Iced Tea Latte

    With nearly 4 weeks without any caffeine at all, I’ve been getting super creative. I have changed my morning rituals, a bit, rather than getting out of bed, grabbing some water and counting down the minutes to coffee, I’ve been leaving my phone off for the first hour I’m awake and instead choosing to meditate. Sometimes I’ll pour a little decaf coffee or some tea before my morning training session, but most mornings, as of recently, I have totally have forgotten about my old morning habit and instead have relished in my new routines.

    Read more about my 14 Day Caffeine-Free Challenge and you can request to join the Tasty Yummies Tribe, our private Facebook community, to stay connected with anyone else doing the challenge.

    Coconut Vanilla Bean Shaken Hibiscus Iced Tea Latte

    While afternoon coffee wasn’t an everyday thing for me, I often found myself mid-day looking for a little caffeine kick. From coffee or matcha, so I decided in celebration of breaking these habits, that I would create a new afternoon drinkie! This Coconut Vanilla Bean Shaken Hibiscus Iced Tea Latte is bright, refreshing, sweetened to your liking (or not), with a little coconut milk and flecks of vanilla bean – it’s just magical.

    I know it’s a little less than ordinary, but you gotta go with me on this one. It’s just the perfect treat.

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  16. Omega-3 Fatty Acids – Understanding these Essential Fats

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids are essential and incredibly important for your body and brain. They are essential because they MUST be obtained through our diet. Read on for science-based health benefits of omega-3s, why they are so important and everything else you need to know.

    Understanding Omega-3s

    At this point, you know how I feel about fats and the importance of including quality fats in our diet. Today we are going to talk more specifically about essential fatty acids. The two most well-known polyunsaturated fats are omega-3s and omega-6s. Both are considered to be essential fatty acids, because our body needs them and we cannot produce them on our own. It is important that we get these essential fats from our food. The human body can create most of the types of fats it needs from other fats or raw materials, but for these essential fatty acids, this isn’t the case.

    Since we’ll be talking almost exclusively about omega-3s in this post, I do want to quickly first address about the “other” EFA. The essential fatty acid, linoleic acid (LA) is an inflammatory omega-6 fat. While that word “inflammatory” may sound bad to you,  this is your reminder (we’ve talked about it before), that inflammation is quite important in our body, as part of proper healing. For example, you whack your head and get a swollen goose egg, that little bump is just one example of inflammation and it’s actually quite important to the healing process, as the inflammation sends nutrients and blood flow to that area for it to heal. Adequate omega-6 fatty acids, make this inflammation possible. That said, an excess of omega-6 fatty acids, as you can imagine can promote chronic and excess inflammation, which we all know can promote a wide array of diseases.

    While both omega-3s and 6s are essential to the body, due to our modern diets that tend to effortlessly be abundant in omega-6 fats, most people are severely deficient in omega-3 fatty acids, so the ratio is severely imbalanced for many. Let’s talk about how we can fix that and why it’s important.

    Understanding EFAs and Why Omega-3 Is Most Coveted:

    The omega-3 fatty acids were first discovered in the early 1970’s when Danish physicians observed that Greenland Eskimos had an exceptionally low incidence of heart disease and arthritis despite the fact that they consumed a diet high in fat. These early studies established fish as a rich source of n-3 fatty acids.

    EFAs are the good fats necessary for hormone production and they are important for normal growth, especially of the blood vessels and nerves and to keep the skin and other tissues looking youthful and supple as a result of their lubricating quality. Omega-3 fats are an integral part of cell membranes throughout the body and affect the function of the cell receptors in these membranes. They provide the starting point for making hormones that regulate blood clotting, contraction and relaxation of artery walls, and inflammation. They also bind to receptors in cells that regulate genetic function. Likely due to these effects, omega-3 fats have been shown to help prevent heart disease and stroke, may help control lupus, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis, and may play protective roles in cancer and other conditions. 1https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/fats-and-cholesterol/types-of-fat/omega-3-fats/

    In the typical America Diet it is far easier to get omega-6 EFAs (linoleic acid) than the omega-3 EFAs (alpha-linolenic acid). While omega-6 on it’s own from quality sources, isn’t a villain, for most people their excessive omega-6 consumption is coming from non-whole food sources like highly refined plant and seed oils (including corn, canola, safflower, sunflower and, soybean oils), which we already know to be toxic, food-like-substances we are best to avoid. These are the oils most typically found in restaurants, fast foods and other foods of convenience, like packaged, processed foods. Most folks are getting hit with omega-6 fatty acids from many places, while simultaneously not consuming enough omega-3 fatty acids. Other sources of omega-6 fats are grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, poultry (even the organically grown) and industrially raised meat. So it makes sense that adequate (if not far more than) levels of omega-3 fats are effortlessly consumed.

    • The human body does best with a ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats somewhere in the range or 1:1 to 1:4. Unfortunately most Americans are existing in a ratio upwards of around 1:20, and many have NO detectable level of omega-3 fats, at all.
    • Balancing this ratio takes special care to reduce the amount of highly-refined,  non-nutrient dense, omega-6 abundant foods in our diet (processed foods, fried foods, fast food, vegetable oils, etc) and consistently including more preformed omega-3 rich seafood (or algae).
    • For what it’s worth, grass-fed meat contains 5 times the omega-3 fats as conventionally raised meat and lower levels of omega 6 fats. 2https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2846864/ Grass fed beef’s ratio of of omega-3 to omega-6 is 1:1 where as the ratio in conventionally raised meat is more like 1:7.

    Slow Roasted Citrus Fennel King Salmon with Crispy Fried Lentils

    Omega-3 Fatty Acids are Important:

    • Omega-3 essential fatty acids reduce inflammation, promote cardiovascular health, protect your brain and help prevent metabolic syndrome and chronic diseases.  3https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23794360
    • The human brain is primarily made up of fat and it has a high requirement for DHA, a type of omega-3 fatty acid. Low DHA levels have been linked to low brain serotonin levels, which are connected to an increased tendency for depression and suicide. Several studies have established a correlation between low levels of omega-3 fatty acids and depression. High consumption of omega-3 FAs is typically associated with a lower incidence of depression, a decreased prevalence of age-related memory loss and a lower risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease 4Kalmijn S. Dietary fat intake and the risk of incident dementia in the Rotterdam Study. Annals of Neurology. 1997;42(5):776–82. doi: 10.1002/ana.410420514. [PubMed] [Cross Ref] 5Yehuda S, Rabinovtz S, Carasso RL, Mostofsky DI. Essential fatty acids preparation (SR-3) improves Alzheimer’s patient’s quality of life. International Journal of Neuroscience. 1996;87(3-4):141–9. doi: 10.3109/00207459609070833. [PubMed] [Cross Ref] 6Hibbeln JR. Fish oil consumption and major depression. The Lancet. 1998;351:1213. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)79168-6. (April 18 1998) [PubMed] [Cross Ref] 7Hibbeln JR, Salem N. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and depression: when cholesterol does not satisfy. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1995;62:1–9. [PubMed] 8Stoll AL. Omega 3 fatty acids in bipolar disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry. 1999;56 407-12-415-16. [PubMed] 9Calabrese JR, Rapport DJ, Shleton MD. Fish oils and bipolar disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry. 1999;56:413–4. doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.56.5.413. [PubMed] [Cross Ref] 10Laugharne JDE. Fatty acids and schizophrenia. Lipids. 1996;31:S163–S165. doi: 10.1007/BF02637070. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
    • A lack of omega-3s can lead you to a higher risk of heart disease and chronic inflammation. Deficiency has also been linked to higher chances of dementia and alzheimers, ADD, arthritis, poor cognitive function and brain development, joint pain and more.

    Read the rest of this entry »

    References   [ + ]

    1. https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/what-should-you-eat/fats-and-cholesterol/types-of-fat/omega-3-fats/
    2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2846864/
    3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23794360
    4. Kalmijn S. Dietary fat intake and the risk of incident dementia in the Rotterdam Study. Annals of Neurology. 1997;42(5):776–82. doi: 10.1002/ana.410420514. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
    5. Yehuda S, Rabinovtz S, Carasso RL, Mostofsky DI. Essential fatty acids preparation (SR-3) improves Alzheimer’s patient’s quality of life. International Journal of Neuroscience. 1996;87(3-4):141–9. doi: 10.3109/00207459609070833. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
    6. Hibbeln JR. Fish oil consumption and major depression. The Lancet. 1998;351:1213. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(05)79168-6. (April 18 1998) [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
    7. Hibbeln JR, Salem N. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and depression: when cholesterol does not satisfy. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1995;62:1–9. [PubMed]
    8. Stoll AL. Omega 3 fatty acids in bipolar disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry. 1999;56 407-12-415-16. [PubMed]
    9. Calabrese JR, Rapport DJ, Shleton MD. Fish oils and bipolar disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry. 1999;56:413–4. doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.56.5.413. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
    10. Laugharne JDE. Fatty acids and schizophrenia. Lipids. 1996;31:S163–S165. doi: 10.1007/BF02637070. [PubMed] [Cross Ref]
  17. Find Grace in the Space. Disconnect to (Re) Connect.

    Find Grace in the Space. When we Disconnect to (Re) Connect we reap profound benefits to our health, vitality and longevity. Disconnection from the digital world and prioritizing both connection to the self, along with interpersonal connection offers stress reduction, a healthier immune system, reduced anxiety, a deeper sense of empathy and compassion – just to name a few.

    Find Grace in the Space. Disconnect to (Re) Connect.

    “When we get too caught up in the busyness of the world, we lose connection with one another – and ourselves.” Jack Kornfield

    It’s pretty likely that by now you know that my approach to health and healing isn’t exclusive or limited to just food and nutrition, supplements and fitness. There is so much more to the story when it comes to our wellness and vitality. Mindfulness and spirit, stress-reduction, quality sleep, play – just to name a few. But, there a few other important elements that I personally feel are often overlooked: community, connection, space.

    While they may sound like polar opposites, I believe both connection AND disconnection are vital to our health and well-being. Did you know that research has shown that real life social connection has profound positive effects on your health? 

    No – I’m Not Tired

    I find in our culture there is an immense amount of pressure and a glorification of the constant “grind”, the “hustle” and a sense that we should always being present and available in the virtual world. This idea that “busyness is a status symbol”, you’ll sleep when you’re dead or that you are more important because you work more hours. I don’t think there is anything inherently bad about working extremely hard, prioritizing your work and feeling so fulfilled that you spend most of your waking hours pouring yourself into it. I’m guilty (and proud) of each and every one of these. Moreover, I think there is a problem that lies with the implication that taking breaks is a sign of laziness or a lack of motivation. That stepping away and prioritizing space and connection outside of the online world is a sign of weakness or that you aren’t fueled by your work. That’s bullshit. I say this about health and diet and I will say it here too: “honor your individuality” – ya gotta DO YOU.

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  18. How-to Make the Perfect Leftovers Frittata. Great for Brunch or Meal Prep.

    If you don’t know, know you’ll know. The frittata is basically one of THE greatest foods. EVER. It’s so quick to make, easy, inexpensive, and it’s also the perfect vehicle for leftovers—not to mention that it’s equally delicious at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My Leftovers Frittata is crazy versatile and highly customizable. With my formula and my tips and tricks, I can guarantee this will be a staple food in your house in no time. It’s as great for simple weekly meal prep as it is an impressive option when you host brunch.

    How-to Make the Perfect Leftovers Frittata. Great for Brunch or Meal Prep.

    How-to Make the Perfect Leftovers Frittata. Great for Brunch or Meal Prep.

    Frittatas are omelette meets crustless quiche made from eggs and any other ingredients and seasonings that you want to add. With all the possibilities on this Leftovers Frittata recipe, you’ll never ever get bored and with my easy method and simple tips, you’ll become a leftovers frittata pro in no time.

    The versatility of a leftovers frittata makes it a must for your weekly meal planning and meal prep. It can be eaten cold, room temperature or steamy warm and the possibilities for the add-ins are truly endless and you guys know how I feel about recipes that offer you tons of wiggle room to get creative and to make it work for you and your needs. I find when I make a weekend brunch frittata or even just the frittatas I make as meal prep for the week – they are always an amazing opportunity to do a little fridge clean-out and to use up some of those leftovers that have become stragglers.

    Listen though, we need to have a little talk. A poorly-made frittata is just a straight-up tragedy. We’ve all had a less-than-stellar frittata. You know the ones; spongey, flavorless, bland and dry. I want to make sure you avoid this horrible fate, because no one should ever have to endure this – I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

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  19. Creative Ways to Use Canned Salmon

    Canned salmon doesn’t have to just mean sandwiches. This high-quality protein is loaded up with healthy omega-3 fatty acids and it makes for an incredible pantry staple that is ready whenever you need it. Here are just a few of my favorite Creative Ways to Use Canned Salmon.

    Creative Ways to Use Canned Salmon

    To some canned fish, as the leading star of the meal may be an act of desperation or last-minuteness, and while the latter may be true quite often for me – I think regardless, canned salmon and other canned fish, are really easy, grab-and-go, delicious, super nutrient-rich proteins that are perfect pantry staples for any health-minded kitchen. A great thing on hand for those busy times when you just aren’t sure what to make.

    Besides your standard sandwich, canned salmon and tuna can be used interchangeably in a variety of different recipes. Canned salmon and tuna both make for wonderful and easy healthy fat-loaded proteins to complete any meal. Add to just about any plate, over top a big green salad, in a wrap, serve over top rice or cauliflower rice, pasta, zucchini noodles, over potatoes or squash. For me, I find that canned salmon is a quality, staple pantry protein, for those busy weeknights when I forget to thaw something out or don’t have the time to fuss with much but I still want a well-rounded nutrient-dense meal. Canned salmon is fantastic source of protein, and it’s also loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, B-complex vitamins, and trace minerals.

    I find that with quality, properly sourced canned fish, less is more. When it comes to Alaska Gold’s Line-Caught Ivory King Canned Salmon, simply toss in some green or red onions and celery, maybe a little mayo and enjoy on a cracker for an easy snack. It truly doesn’t need much more, the flavor is just perfect.

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  20. Real Food Resources for Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping & More. How-to Make Cooking at Home Easy.

    You guys asked for it, so I am sharing my favorite tips, tricks and resources for making healthy cooking at home as easy as possible. We’re chatting meal planning, meal prep, grocery shopping, meal kits and more.

    Real Food Resources for Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping & More. How-to Make Cooking at Home Easy.

    Real Food Resources for Meal Planning, Grocery Shopping & More.
    How-to Make Cooking at Home Easy.

    Whether you are brand new to cooking at home, or an old pro, I think we can all agree that it can definitely help to have some tricks in your back pocket for staying organized, getting ahead and being well-planned. Cooking several real food meals a day, every day, every single week, this is no small feat. So first, #1) I want you to give yourself a big-ass high five for doing it at all (or even just getting started thinking about it). You are killing it! and #2) Your future self will thank you for making it sustainable by keeping it easy and approachable for the long haul. Whether it’s for one, a couple or a whole big happy family, cooking at home takes planning, organization, practice and of course – commitment. I’m here to help.

    I can say that no matter what approach you take to eating: paleo, keto, gluten-free, Whole30 or just a healthful, traditional, real food focus – having quality, fresh, nutrient-dense whole foods on hand, a pantry full of quality staples plus a solid plan of action, this is about the only way you can guarantee success when it comes to cooking at home and living your best (and most healthy) life!

    How-to Make Perfectly Roasted Vegetables

    Slow Cooker Shredded Beef Recipe – Three Ways {Paleo, Gluten-free}

    Real Food Meal Planning:

    I think it’s a given, but being planned out is an absolute necessity. You can certainly make your own meal plans, week in and week out and plan every single meal, creating your own grocery lists, planning it out appropriately to your ever-evolving schedule, but here are a few options to make things even easier on you:

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  21. How-to Make Perfectly Roasted Vegetables {+ Video}

    How-to Make Perfectly Roasted Vegetables

    How-to Make Perfectly Roasted Vegetables

    How-to Make Perfectly Roasted Vegetables: Tips and Tricks

    Roasting vegetables is one of the simplest cooking techniques. With very little time and effort needed, you get richly flavored vegetables with a caramelized exterior and a really nice, tender bite.

    This time of year, roasted vegetables are on repeat around here. We, of course, have our most favorite go-to vegetables that we roast up super often, like broccoli and broccolini, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes, just to name a few, but the possibilities are truly endless. You can roast just about any vegetable, or any combination of vegetables — your imagination is the only limit, so I encourage your to experiment and have fun with different combinations of vegetables, seasonings and flavors.

    With my fool-proof approach for roasting vegetables, I give you everything you need to make perfectly roasted vegetables every time. You’ll be armed with the tips and tricks to master your roasting. No matter the veggie or the quantity. No recipe needed.

    I have some of my favorite vegetables called out by name and in the photos below, but remember, just about any vegetable can be roasted and honestly, go with my motto, if you’re not sure – ROAST IT! Worst thing that happens, it’s not your favorite! Best thing? You discover a new way to enjoy a favorite, in-season vegetable.

    Check Out My Instructions on How-to Make Perfectly Roasted Vegetables. Every Time.

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DISCLAIMER: This website is written and produced for informational and educational purposes only. Statements within this site have not been approved by the FDA. Content should not be considered a substitute for professional medical expertise. The reader assumes full responsibility for consulting a qualified health professional before starting a new diet or health program. Please seek professional help regarding any health conditions or concerns. The writer(s) and publisher(s) of this site are not responsible for adverse reactions, effects, or consequences resulting from the use of any recipes or suggestions herein or procedures undertaken hereafter.