Tag Archives: egg-free

  1. Perfect Grain-free Chocolate Chip Cookies {gluten-free, paleo, egg-free, dairy-free, vegan}

    Perfect Grain-free Chocolate Chip Cookies {gluten-free, paleo, egg-free, dairy-free}

    Perfect Grain-free Chocolate Chip Cookies {gluten-free, paleo, egg-free, dairy-free}

    Last month marked 6 years of Tasty Yummies. WOW! How that happened, I actually have no idea. I still remember the day I decided that I wanted to share my recipes with the world and it truthfully doesn’t feel that long ago. It’s been an interesting handful of years with varying challenges, lots of healing, yet so very much to celebrate. Mostly, this website and my own personal journey to health, these both always felt like the first steps to finding my true purpose. With years of my health bringing various challenges and curve-balls, I have realized that this was all part of my path to being able to help others in a much deeper way than just recipes. This was part of my journey for reasons that now finally make sense to me.

    Perfect Grain-free Chocolate Chip Cookies {gluten-free, paleo, egg-free, dairy-free}

    For the first many years I started this website, really until late 2014, I had looked at the long journey towards health I had already been on and how I was feeling in that present moment and somehow I let myself get accustomed to “good enough”. While I can look back now and see how terrible I was still actually feeling, I was letting myself compare it to my past (and to other’s) and it all just seemed fine enough. I looked at others battling with chronic illness and other serious afflictions and I somehow felt that I had no place complaining, that I had no right thinking my afflictions were “something”. After all I hadn’t been to the hospital, I could get out of bed every morning. I didn’t have cancer or lyme disease. I would read other blogs, I saw drastic and scary before and after photos, even comments here from my readers, going through just terrible, awful things – it all made me feel like I had no right thinking I wasn’t well. I felt like I was being nit-picky, complaining about having no energy and having chronic digestive issues. So, instead I would chronically repeat to myself “it could always be worse”. While this positivity served it’s purpose for me in some ways, in many ways it was a very dangerous addiction to “positivity” that was actually hindering my healing.

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  2. Coconut Panna Cotta with Strawberry Rhubarb Compote

    Coconut Panna Cotta with Strawberry Rhubarb Compote

    Coconut Panna Cotta with Strawberry Rhubarb Compote

    I know many of you don’t read my words, you look at the pictures, you scroll down to the recipe and maybe you make it. Or maybe you don’t. I get it. No offense taken. Good news for those of you in the no-words-please club, you’ll be excited for this post and maybe those in the coming few weeks. I have finals coming up and studying is of the highest priority but I can’t not create and share recipes, it’s my life blood, it’s my energy source, it literally fuels me. We’re also leaving town tomorrow, headed to Palm Springs for our wedding anniversary. I plan to sit by the pool, read my text books, study my flashcards and maybe sneak in some napping and cocktails while I am at it, too. All that said, writing words right now feels harder than any community projects, any tests and quizzes, essays or book reviews – somehow it’s weighing on me heavier than anything else.

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  3. Slow Roasted Citrus Fennel King Salmon with Crispy Fried Lentils

    Slow Roasted Citrus Fennel King Salmon with Crispy Fried Lentils

    Slow Roasted Citrus Fennel King Salmon with Crispy Fried Lentils

    Recently I was approached by someone I met at a party, when discussing the work I do with Tasty Yummies, with one of the questions I dread most – “What are you?”. I am always taken aback by this question, to be a smart ass, I usually want to reply “a woman”, “I am human”, “a lady boss”, “a feminist” – or something of the like.

    Now, I am smart enough to know exactly what they mean, but I always play dumb – “sorry, what do you mean?”. To which they usually reply “well, are you vegan, vegetarian or paleo, or like, what are you?”

    While I have many wonderful friends, whom I greatly respect, that fit into each of those categories and so many others, I have always personally chosen to leave the labels off of my living. I jokingly always say “labels are for packages”, but I honestly, truly feel this way. This choice doesn’t come with judgement for those that choose to label their diet, but for me, I prefer to simply live my life and follow whatever “rules” or “non-rules” I have taken on at that specific time. But this is an ever-evolving set of “rules”, if I can even call them that. Evolving as I am. I also rarely feel as if these self-professed rules are hard-fast set in stone laws that I MUST abide by. What kind of living is that?

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  4. Grain-free Basil and Mint Zucchini “Noodles”

    Grain-free Basil and Mint Zucchini "Noodles"

    Being in the blogging world over 6 years now, I have had the pleasure of meeting some very incredible people along the way. But some, they walk into your life and you know that they were placed into your path with a purpose. I met Amie Valpone last year, in the midst of the hustle and bustle of a busy conference. We spoke like half-witted high school girls, catching up, giggling, sharing and connecting over our personal healing journeys. Amie has an infectious lust for life and for living that instantly resonated with me. As someone that has spent the past 10+ years dealing with various (though very minor in comparison) health struggles, I very much appreciate how Amie has chosen to use her struggles as a means to help others, through her website thehealthyapple.com, I also admire that she has used her very challenging healing journey to fuel her passion to teach others that your health and vitality lies in your hands and that you DO have the power to overcome. I feel like the word “inspiration” is hardly enough for this firecracker.

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  5. Spring Cauliflower Rice Risotto Bake with Chicken

    Spring Cauliflower Rice Risotto Bake with Chicken

    Despite the fact that we are well into spring now, Southern California has had it a bit twisted. Since I arrived back home from my travels to NY last week, it’s been mostly grey, rainy and cool. While I would have loved this weather in December and January, I will take it now. It’s a really nice change of pace. A great reason to pull out some sweaters and it’s also a great excuse to enjoy some real comforting foods.

    Spring Cauliflower Rice Risotto Bake with Chicken

    Of all things I was craving a casserole. I know. What is it 1985? There is just something so comforting and cozy about a meal you can dump into a pan, bake and enjoy. It’s childhood for those of us in our 30s. I was also dreaming of a good creamy spring risotto, one of my favorite foods. While rice isn’t off limits for me, I do try to be mindful of how many grains I consume. I just feel better when my belly isn’t bloated from the carbs. Hence why I am OBSESSED with cauliflower rice. It’s so crazy versatile, so super easy to make and it’s incredible how delicious it is. If you have a Trader Joe’s near you, the Organic Frozen Cauliflower Rice is an amazing quick option for when you don’t want to lug out the food processor. I have used it in this recipe before and it’s perfect!

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  6. Hemp Heart Peppermint Chocolate Fudge

    Hemp Heart Peppermint Chocolate Fudge

    Hemp Heart Butter Peppermint Chocolate Fudge

    Christmas cookies seem to get all the love this time of year, but I personally think that fudge is the often forgotten sweet. I have a feeling Santa would be extra good to any house that left out for him this delicious, rich and creamy peppermint fudge.

    Traditional fudge can include tons of dairy and sugar, oftentimes even corn syrup. While I don’t think the holidays should be all about going without or depriving yourself, I also firmly believe if you have to be mindful of your health and your ongoing path towards healing, indulging a bit too may leave you sorry, come January 2nd. Besides all the less than stellar ingredients, most traditional fudge also requires heating and many tedious steps, including keeping the chocolate at specific temperatures and all that complicated stuff. This simple fudge recipe requires a food processor or high speed blender and that’s it. No heat.

    Hemp Heart Peppermint Chocolate Fudge {Grain-free & Vegan}

    Hemp Heart Peppermint Chocolate Fudge

    The best part about crafting and reimagining classic recipes, is that I can indulge in the classic flavors I love, while also bringing an extra nourishing element to them. A little sneaky sweet, if you will. This fudge is exactly that. Rather than dairy and corn syrup, this fudge relies on a creamy, rich Hemp Heart butter to bring the decadence. With all that rich decadence, the Hemp Hearts also bring a surprisingly large serving of plant based protein, you get an ample sized and properly balanced serving of Omega 3 + 6 essential fatty acids. Per a 30 gram serving of Manitoba Harvest Hemp Hearts, (approx. 2 heaping tablespoons) you get 10 grams of protein and 10 grams of Omega 3+6s.

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  7. How-to Make Roast Chicken in the Slow Cooker

    Tutorial Tuesdays // Tasty YummiesHow-to Make Roast Chicken in the Slow Cooker

    This tutorial falls under the category of simple, yet sweet. Or should I say, simple, yet savory! This is the perfect weeknight meal solution and as of recent, it is a near weekly occurrence in our house. I grab a fresh 3-4 lb whole pasture-raised chicken at the farmers market or Whole Foods, I rub it down, season it up, pile it atop some root veggies in the Crock Pot and voila, 4 hours later, dinner is ready.

    The best part of a weekly whole chicken is how many meals we get from it. The meal from the whole roasted chicken is good for at least 2-3 meals, we enjoy it with the potatoes, as chicken salad, on top of big green salads, etc. Then I make a big pot of stock from the leftover bones and we get another 2-3 meals from that. This is truly a must for any busy family.

    The seasonings on your chicken can vary with your preference and your mood. Generally I use this all-purpose herb and seasoning blend, that I love, occasionally I will opt for a spicy, chile pepper rub, it’s also great with lemon zest, garlic and freshly ground black pepper. The possibilities are endless. Seriously, you will never buy that rotisserie chicken from the store, again.

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  8. Grain-free Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

    Grain-free Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

    I’ve got a lot for you today. I have the first-ever pancakes on Tasty Yummies, a few life lessons, a #virtualpumpkinparty and one of my favorite healing superfoods! Here we go….

    Have you ever had a day, or a stretch of days where you are overloaded with life lessons, messages and moments that stop you dead in your tracks, to smack you upside the head with a little nugget of goodness, before sending you on your way, again?

    I have had a lot of those lately. Little lessons and hidden reminders, that bubble up to the surface within the most mundane of moments and oftentimes coming out in the midst of the most frustrating challenges. It could be that I have been attempting to be more aware in the present in the moment, being open to what’s around me, rather than living in my head and getting caught up in letting my mind wander (which is something I often do). Whatever the cause, these little reminders have been exactly what I need, lately, exactly when I needed them.

    These beautiful and delicious, Grain-free Pumpkin Spice Pancakes, they were the culmination of so many reminders for me this past week. The first attempt at making these, I found myself swearing and angry. I had wanted to make waffles but they just weren’t working out, so I attempted to just make pancakes instead, as long as I had the batter. Pancakes weren’t what I had wanted and it wasn’t part of the plan – so, at first I really let it bother me. After a few deep breaths and in realizing that I had inadvertently created really delicious pancakes, I found myself really grateful for the mistake. On the second creation, I was super happy with how the pancakes came out again, but in editing the photos I realized that I should have chosen a smaller plate, the pancakes were getting lost in a sea of pattern from the large plate. I nearly scrapped the entire recipe and I found myself in tears, at my computer! In hindsight and in writing this out, I realize just how silly and insignificant this all seems and how ridiculous I may sound, but, as usual I am finding, in the simplest of moments, the biggest lessons are learned, so I wanted to share some of these sweet lessons that were brought to me this week.

    1) Be OK with the Imperfections in Life.

    I have to admit something to those that may not know me personally, I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times. Part of why you have never seen a pancake recipe here on Tasty Yummies, is my need for certain things to be perfect (in my own mind, that is). I worried that my pancakes wouldn’t be perfectly round and that people wouldn’t make them if they weren’t big and fluffy. I feared if I didn’t have the perfect shot of the perfect stack of pancakes, the syrup ever so delicately dripping over the edge, they would  be a failure. So, although I make pancakes at home all the time, I had opted, in over 5 years of sharing recipes here on TY, to not share any of my pancake recipes, for not wanting to have to photograph them, worried that they would be wonky and imperfect.

    As I was asking my food blogger friends for tips on making perfectly round, pristine pancakes, I was reminded by my dear friend Sherrie, to just ’embrace the imperfections!’ I recalled in her beautiful reminder, that I myself am drawn to the social media feeds and the blogs where life isn’t illustrated as “perfect”. To me, the authenticity of the creator shines through in the imperfections and those are most often where I find myself relating and connecting with someone vs. the perfection so often carefully crafted and curated for viewing in the public light.

    I decided that like me, no one else reading this blog is “perfect”. You probably have lumpy, not-so-round, imperfectly perfect pancakes all the time at your house. I’d be willing to bet, however, even in their imperfections, like my homemade pancakes, that yours still taste incredible, and everyone that you serve them to are happy to eat them, just the same.

    Grain-free Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

    2) Less Really Can Be More.

    It doesn’t always have to be about the big stuff in life. Bigger and more, they aren’t always better. Take these tiny, cute little pancakes – they may be dwarfed by the pretty patterned plate, they may be smaller than a traditional pancake, but these orange-hued, subtley-spiced, seasonal pancakes, they pack a punch, both in flavor and nutrition.

    The Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides, like these pancakes, it too packs a punch. With just one ingredient, in my mind, it beats out all other “superfood protein blends” you’ll find at most stores, often loaded with synthetic ingredients, unnatural “flavors” and colors and who knows what else. Collagen Peptides are not only a great source of clean protein and essential amino acids, they are also great for your skin, hair, nails, immune system, digestion and since I have added to my daily diet, they have played an integral role in healing my gut and my overall health, this year. This powerful, healing superfood doesn’t need anything added to it to boost it, it is tasteless and can be added to smoothies, baked goods, or simply to a glass of water.

    Grain-free Pumpkin Spice Pancakes

    3) It is Not Happiness That Makes Us Grateful. It is Gratefulness That Makes Us Happy. 

    Finding gratitude in the challenging moments of life, this can be hard at times. Next time you are in the midst of a challenge, stop to recognize that every moment is a given moment and that moment in itself, is a gift. We can’t buy moments, no one gives them to us, they are there for us and within each and every moment we have an opportunity to be grateful.

    In the car three days ago, in a moment of stressful errand-running after the failed waffle debacle, I flipped the radio to local NPR affiliate and I caught the end of the TED Radio Hour, this past week’s theme was “Simply Happy”. I heard the end of this beautiful speech from David Steindl-Rast, that I have heard so many times before and the feelings of gratitude for the timing of this story, immediately flooded over me.  Suddenly where I was struggling with feelings of failure and feeling stressed about the imperfections, my focus shifted to being so grateful and so happy that I get to do what I love every day, even in the moments of stress and challenge. When I left the house I was agitated and frustrated and by the time I returned home, my face was filled with a smile and my heart nearly exploding out of my chest.

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  9. Honey Balsamic Roasted Fig and Toasted Pistachio Coconut Yogurt Parfaits

    Honey Balsamic Roasted Fig and Toasted Pistachio Coconut Yogurt Parfaits

    Honey Balsamic Roasted Fig and Toasted Pistachio Coconut Yogurt Parfaits

    It’s here. It’s officially fig season and I couldn’t be happier. Though the season can seem somewhat short, when you have an over 20 foot fig tree in your yard, it honestly feels like it carries on forever and ever. I am not complaining. For the rest of the world, fig season usually feels like it is over in the blink of an eye. The season gone and done with, before you even fully begin to enjoy it. What a beautiful metaphor for life. Everything happening so quickly, whizzing right by us. The sweetest things, they come and go and if you don’t stop and slow down, if you don’t savor every bit of it, truly stopping to appreciate every little detail, it will pass you by.

    Honey Balsamic Roasted Fig and Toasted Pistachio Coconut Yogurt Parfaits

    Over these past three summers of being in this house, I have done my very best to not take this tree for granted, what a gift. Having only ever really eaten dried figs, I have learned to love figs in a whole new way and I have found myself getting creative, adding them to recipes anywhere that  I can. If you have never had fresh figs, I can tell you that you are surely missing out.

    Figs are delicious when fresh, sliced up and added to salads or pasta, they are wonderful just for a sweet bites, you can stuff them with goat cheese or blue cheese, but like many foods, I have a real thing for roasting them. The flavor and the sweetness shines even brighter this way and you end up with a delicious sauce of sorts, perfect for so many different recipes.

    Honey Balsamic Roasted Fig and Toasted Pistachio Coconut Yogurt Parfaits

    Honey Balsamic Roasted Fig and Toasted Pistachio Coconut Yogurt Parfaits

    Roasting is also a great way to preserve the figs a bit longer. Many times if I pick figs that are perfectly ripe and ready for eating straight away, I try to nab them just before they fall to the ground or the birds get them, but they won’t last long when they are this ripe. Roasting gives me a few more days with them and it ensures not a single fig’s life is lost in vain! It’s also a great way to get the most out of the figs that aren’t as great. Maybe they were picked a little early or they are just less sweet. Roast them. Problem solved.

    If you don’t have a tree, when buying fresh figs, always buy the more ripe ones. Unlike many other fruits, figs do not continue to ripen once picked. Soft and squishy is perfect, a little splitting skin with some juices oozing, even better. The ugliest figs, the ones many would likely pass right over, those are usually quite often, the tastiest figs. Possibly another metaphor for life? Heh.

    Honey Balsamic Roasted Fig and Toasted Pistachio Coconut Yogurt Parfaits

    These yogurt parfaits are one of my favorite ways to enjoy and savor the roasted figs. The tart and sweet flavor of the roasted figs, the beautiful syrupy sauce that is created, it pairs so perfectly with a creamy and tangy yogurt. I love the addition of the toasted pistachios, too. You can feel free to swap with whatever your favorite nut or seed is. I opt for my homemade coconut milk yogurt, but you can feel free to opt for any yogurt you’d like. Greek, goat’s milk an so on. Great as a breakfast, a dessert or a snack.

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  10. Greek Lamb Meatballs

    Greek Lamb Meatballs

    For me, scent is a huge memory trigger. The aroma of something can waft my way and instantly I am transported back to another time. I always think of the old cartoons where the steamy aroma of a fresh baked pie, suddenly morphs into a hand, quite literally coaxing and lifting up the characters and carrying them right to the goodies. Think Mickey Mouse being tempted by the vapor hand from the scent of a Minnie’s freshly baked cake, right to her kitchen window. This is likely seconds before she slams the window down and says “ah ah ah”. For me rather than being taken to someone’s window, I find myself reliving memories, remembering people I love and those times gone by. It’s one of my most favorite things about cooking, especially since moving away from my family.

    Greek Lamb Meatballs

    Being Greek, growing up I was constantly surrounded by all the delicious, home cooked meals. There are still smells to this day that remind me of my family and most specifically my late, Great Yia Yia and my Yia Yia. The smell of potatoes roasting with garlic, cinnamon and honey will always make me think of baklava syrup simmering away on the stove top, cinnamon in a savory tomato sauce will trigger my nose to think of moussaka or pastitsio and a big pot of homemade chicken stock will always make me want avgolemono soup. Of course, chocolate melting will also get me, since my Great Yia Yia had a full-blown candy making set up in the basement, from her days of owning the ice cream and soda shop. They made some delicious chocolates!

    Greek Lamb Meatballs

    Lamb was another food served quite often, whether, roasted, grilled or used in dolmades (stuffed grape leaves). Though not a food I make quite often, whenever I do prepare it, I think of all my family back home in NY, so I have certainly found myself making it more since we’ve moved out to California. It makes me miss our summer picnics with the huge Greek family, out at the lake, a big leg of lamb slowly grilling over an open fire, all day. Or my Yia Yia’s homemade Greek lamb meatballs, which my parent’s seemed to perfect quite well and made often when we were growing up.

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  11. Autoimmune Protocol Waffles (Cassava Flour)


    I am aware that this is basically the least sexy name possible for a recipe, I think it sounds like something you would be served at a hospital as a means to hide some sort of treatment. My husband Mark said this sounds like some sort of superhero food. Regardless, for those that are following AIP and might be desperate for a different breakfast recipe, I wanted you to find it as easily as possible. Who knows, maybe you are even landing here on this page because of this very not-so-sexy name.

    While I am personally no longer strictly following the Autoimmune Protocol, after following it very hardcore for over 30 days, I can tell you that it changed me. This diet rocked my world and healed me, in all the most amazing ways possible. It was everything that my body needed, right when I needed it most. As I was searching for ways to heal my gut and deal with my autoimmune condition, as well as the terrible fall off my health took after taking prescribed drugs for my condition, I was working with a naturopath, taking supplements and trying various elimination diets and nothing was quite dealing with this underlying condition of not feeling like myself and desperately wanting that to change. I took it up upon myself at the time to research all the various more extreme ways to help my gut, to remove foods and to get back to a place where my body could focus it’s energy on healing. I followed the protocol by way of Dr Sarah Ballantyne and Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt, their websites, the various books and cookbooks and any and all the other resources I could find.


    While many people find themselves needing to follow AIP much longer than 30 days, I was fortunate that I wasn’t dealing with a severe condition nor debilitating or life-threatening symptoms, so I am grateful to have found great relief in that short time. As I continue my personal healing, I have also stuck to many of the principals of the protocol that have resonated with me and I have had great luck and results by continuing to listen to my body and what it is telling me it does and doesn’t need.

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  12. Red White and Blue Berry Chia Parfaits

    Red White and Blue Berry Chia Parfaits

    I am a big fan of holidays, especially the ones where themed foods are encouraged. I can always get down with a reason to create a celebratory treat! Here’s the thing though, holiday or not, I cannot turn off on my strong feelings around seeking healthy options, first.

    I am definitely all about indulging every now and again, but I am a firm believer in our healthy choices fueling ongoing healthy habits and a ever present healthy lifestyle, all the rest of the days throughout the year when it isn’t a holiday. This means when it’s time to have fun and let loose, I still inherently find myself seeking an option that won’t make me feel terrible after I eat it or undo all the good I do the rest of the time. For me, it’s all about picking my battles and when possible selecting the right foods, the ones that have the power to heal and nourish my body, while still being fun and kitchy. When there is an option for something delicious, but still good for me, that will always be my first choice. #sorrynotsorry

    Red White and Blue Berry Chia Parfaits

    I’ll just say it, I am slightly creeped out by artificially colored foods. There is something so unnatural about all these patriotic-themed treats I see floating around, loaded with chemicals and dyes, it just doesn’t feel very festive to me.

    Mother Nature provides us with so many beautiful, vibrant hues, why not take advantage and celebrate with those instead. The bonus: richly colored plant foods are loaded with phytochemicals. These substances occur naturally only in plants and may provide health benefits beyond those that essential nutrients provide. Consider these phytochemicals, bright little disease fighters! Not only can we not say that about artificial dyes, but I would be we could say the opposite, in fact.

    Red White and Blue Berry Chia Parfaits

    According to information from the Produce for Better Health Foundation (PBH), phytochemicals may act as antioxidants, protect and regenerate essential nutrients, and/or work to deactivate cancer-causing substances. And while research has not yet determined exactly how these substances work together or which combination offers specific benefits, including a rainbow of colored foods in a diet plan ensures a variety of those nutrients and phytochemicals.[1]

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  13. Strawberry Hibiscus Jello

    Strawberry Hibiscus Jello

    Happy 5th Birthday Tasty Yummies!!!

    This week we are celebrating Tasty Yummies’ Birthday / Anniversary / Blogaversary!! I seriously cannot believe it has been 5 years since I sat down to share the first gluten-free recipe here. Where, oh where has this time gone? From the deepest depths of my heart, I thank each and every one of you for supporting me and this website over the last 5 years. I can say in all sincerity, this blog and my life wouldn’t be what they are – without all of you!!

    Besides the usual feelings of excitement surrounding a big anniversary like this, it has also stirred up some unique emotions, as well. Given the state of things currently, I am reminded fondly on this special day of the idea that this blog was built from my desire to create a space, a virtual community where I could share my journey and my creations! I also always had the hope that in the process of sharing, I might help to empower others to find strength amidst a less than ideal situation with their health and diet. Here we are, 5 years later, continuing our journey together, with new struggles and challenges unique to us, yet still reminded that we are not alone.

    Strawberry Hibiscus Jello

    Sometimes in life, you have to shift your focus and your energy, finding the positive in whatever situation you are in, no matter how challenging. Being in the middle of the autoimmune protocol, I have actually been finding so much joy in the restrictions. I get so excited I find myself dancing around the kitchen when I can pull together a delicious recipe that not only fits the long list of things that are not allowed but actually tastes good and makes me as happy as any other recipe would. This has all been so much more rewarding than the usual creations. With each recipe I develop, it feels like I have completed the most challenging board in a video game, I get my gold crown and I get to move on to the next level. I’ve actually have been quite enjoying this forced shift in my perspective, the encouragement and motivation to be creative in the kitchen – it’s all so invigorating and it makes each step and each day easier!

    Strawberry Hibiscus Jello

    I won’t lie to you though, with all of the many restrictions on my diet currently, I nearly let this special celebration pass. I was worried that without some grandiose, pinterest-worthy baked good, a layered cake or dainty little cupcakes with cute little number 5s on them – that it wouldn’t feel much like a birthday. But that just simply isn’t true! So what, I can’t have my favorite grain-free chocolate cake right now? There is still so much celebrate and it’s just as special of a holiday, chocolate or not!

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  14. Smoked Salmon Cucumber Bites with Asparagus Ribbons and Dill Cashew Sour Cream

    Smoked Salmon Cucumber Bites with Asparagus Ribbons and Dill Cashew Sour Cream

    Guess what today is? Today is baby shower day! A bunch of us food bloggers got together and we are throwing a surprise virtual baby shower for our friend Emily of The Pig & Quill, who is anxiously awaiting the arrival of  her first little piglet in the next month.

    Smoked Salmon Cucumber Bites with Asparagus Ribbons and Dill Cashew Sour Cream

    First off, I want to talk about how jealous I am of their new addition. I am pretty sure this is going to be the most well-fed little one, ever! That Emily sure knows her way around a kitchen and she doesn’t mess around when it comes to combining flavors and creativity in her recipes. When it came time to create a dish to bring to our little virtual gathering, I quickly realized that couldn’t just bring any ‘ol pink cupcake or some chips and dip, I had to step up, bring my A-game and get serious with my offerings. But, as you guys know I am still smack in the middle of an elimination diet (it was 10 weeks this past Friday, but who is counting) – so with lots of restrictions and true to the real life, selfishly I also wanted to bring something to this party that I could eat.

    Smoked Salmon Cucumber Bites with Asparagus Ribbons and Dill Cashew Sour Cream

    These delicious little bites are so simple to put together, they are so fresh and light and they are absolutely beautiful to top it off. Perfect for any party. I’ll be honest, the concept of this recipe came straight from me looking for a savory dish I could incorporate the color pink, given that Emily and Chris are expecting a girl! Though salmon isn’t exactly that pale baby girl pink color we all know, I still think I should get major bonus points on sticking with a theme! Thank you.

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  15. Celeriac, Sweet Potato and Apple Hash

    Celeriac, Sweet Potato and Apple Hash

    I have said it several times before but it seriously cannot be said enough, the community of passionate people I have met in the blogging world is one of greatest, if not THE best, perks of keeping a blog. What a beautiful gift to be surrounded, even if only virtually, with people that constantly inspire and excite you. I have had the distinct pleasure of connecting with many beautiful, passion-filled people sharing their love and their life with the world.

    I am not even sure the first time I connected with Kris Orborne of 80Twenty, but she is one of those people the minute you see her site and connect with her words online, you can feel her genuineness and you know instantly she is the real deal. Kris’ site is very much in line with my eating and cooking style. A focus on whole, nourishing foods that are in season, 80Twenty also celebrates the balance in life, the good and the good for you!

    Celeriac, Sweet Potato and Apple Hash

    I am super excited to be over on 80Twenty today, sharing this incredible, simple, seasonal hash inspired by the beautiful organic produce I received from local farmers this week in my organic produce box from Beachgreens. This Celeriac, Sweet Potato and Apple Hash is hearty and comforting and could seriously work at any meal. Great as a side or make it the main event by serving with eggs or another protein of your choice.

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  16. How-to Make Vegan Mayonnaise

    Tutorial Tuesdays // Tasty Yummies

    How-to Make Vegan Mayonnaise

    It wasn’t that long ago that I shared a tutorial for How-to Make Homemade Mayonnaise. Right now, that feels like a lifetime ago. I am currently just over 2 weeks into a 6 week elimination diet with my naturopathic doctor, as we work to support my health, after I was diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy, an autoimmune form of kidney disease. We are working through what could be several rounds of an elimination diet to explore what in my diet could possibly be causing an autoimmune response and affecting my kidneys. This round of the elimination diet, in addition to all meat which was removed from my diet 4 weeks prior, (as animal protein is highly taxing to the kidneys), she has also had me remove eggs and dairy for a minimum of 6 weeks. Dairy has been no big deal, I ate so little of it as it was, it’s the eggs that has been quite challenging for me.

    How-to Make Vegan Mayonnaise

    How-to Make Vegan Mayonnaise

    With all of my current restrictions on this elimination diet, plus my already existing intolerances and dietary choices, I have to be honest and tell you it’s been a challenging 2 weeks. I have found in my current state, even without meat, eggs and dairy, legumes are simply not agreeing with me, likely the leaky gut I was diagnosed with at the first appointment. I work hard to limit my intake of grains on a daily basis, I avoid soy and of course, we all know I can’t have gluten and I don’t eat processed foods – so as you can imagine I have been working really hard to rethink my meals and meal planning, to rethink my snacks and I have been looking for protein and healthy fats in new places. Some days it feels easy and I am simply focused on the other side and what I am working so hard for, and other days, you may just find me in the corner of the kitchen crying over the egg sandwich my husband is starting his day with. Read the rest of this entry »

  17. Cantaloupe Mint Sorbet (Gluten-free and Vegan)

    Cantaloupe Mint Sorbet (Gluten-free and Vegan)

    There is something about summertime and it’s fresh vibrant fruit that just makes me school-girl giddy!! Sitting in the sun, enjoying your favorite fruit, juice running down your face and your arms, that’s when you know it’s really summer!

    We’ve been fortunate that for a few weeks now we’ve been getting some of the freshest, sweetest fruit in our weekly CSA box. Peaches, nectarines, watermelons, cantaloupes and so much more. I decided this year that rather than just cutting up the fruit and stuffing it into our faces, that I would get creative with some of it. Treat it like I do all of the many veggies we get.

    Cantaloupe Mint Sorbet (Gluten-free and Vegan)

    I was dreaming up frozen summery desserts when I realized that I hadn’t pulled my ice cream maker out once since we moved to California last year. That feels like a MAJOR sin, considering I basically live in perpetual summer, here in Southern California. In discovering my terrible neglect of my ice cream maker, I also realized that I had never made a sorbet! Sacrilege isn’t it?

    Cantaloupe Mint Sorbet (Gluten-free and Vegan)

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  18. Cauliflower Lentil Veggie Burger with Spicy Turmeric Aioli {Gluten-free + Dairy-free}

    Cauliflower Lentil Veggie Burger - Gluten-free + Dairy-free

    There is nothing quite like a good comforting and satisfying veggie burger. I stopped eating store-bought veggie burgers a long time ago, after I realized what is in most of them – weird fillers, preservatives and other strange things that I am not even sure are food. I started rethinking buying them and I can’t tell you the last time I did. Making my own veggie burgers is something I really enjoy, I can create something unique and flavorful usually with whatever I have on hand.

    Cauliflower Lentil Veggie Burger - Gluten-free + Dairy-free
    I created these veggie burgers with some of the beautiful cauliflower we had in our CSA box. I was starting to get sick of roasted cauliflower and was looking for a new and creative ways to use up some of the many heads of cauliflower we had on hand. I started thinking about the amazing quality that cauliflower takes on when you steam it and puree it, like mashed potatoes. It’s so thick and I knew it would bind together and work well in a veggie burger.

    Cauliflower Lentil Veggie Burger - Gluten-free + Dairy-free

    I won’t lie and tell you this veggie burger is as good as “the real thing” or that it’s “meaty”. For me, veggie burgers aren’t meant to replace a beef burger, there really is no comparison to a good grass-fed beef burger, but – in my mind, a veggie burger is it’s own thing. A yummy comforting meal on it’s own.

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  19. Grain-free Chinese Almond Cookies – Gluten-free, Paleo and Vegan

    I am so excited to introduce you guys to a super-sweet lady today, Erin, of Texanerin Baking! Erin shares amazing healthy baked goods!! Though not all of her recipes are gluten-free, this girl sure knows her way around a mixer and an oven, because whenever she starts experimenting with almond flour and other gluten-free flours, the results are just incredible! You’d think she’s been doing this her whole life. I hope you enjoy this amazing grain-free cookie recipe she created today in honor of the Chinese New Year.



    Grain-free Chinese Almond Cookies - Gluten-free and Vegan

    Hi, everyone! I’m Erin and blog over at Texanerin Baking, which is all about healthier baked goods. I started off blogging about 100% whole grain recipes but then one day, I tried almond flour, just to see what it was like. Turns out that I love it and although I don’t have any dietary restrictions, I post quite a few grain-free recipes.

    With the Chinese New Year coming up on the 31st, I thought it’d be fun to share these healthier grain-free Chinese almond cookies with you! Are they authentic? Probably not. But who really cares when they’re perfectly soft, chewy and awesomely delicious? 🙂

    One of my favorite cookies growing up was my mother’s almond cookies. The recipe calls for all-purpose flour, Crisco and a load of white sugar. I’m sure I’d still enjoy them (although I don’t know if I could handle the Crisco), but then I’d eat 19 of them only to be depressed about it afterwards. That’s just how I roll with this kind of stuff. Read the rest of this entry »

  20. Gluten Free Vegan Oatmeal Molasses Muffins


    I am very excited to have Sarah of Sarah Bakes Gluten Free Treats joining us today as our guest blogger, with an amazing gluten-free recipe for a delicious breakfast treat.


    Gluten Free Vegan Oatmeal Molasses Muffins

    Good morning, Tasty Yummies readers! It’s a new day and a new year. Many of us are taking the time to make resolutions for 2014. We are thinking about how to change the way we are living. Changing the way we treat our bodies, by how much we exercise and what foods we eat. We know it’s the right thing to do to feel better, but it can be so hard to stick to the plan!

    Even when we are trying to eat a healthy, balanced diet, we still need to do some baking once in awhile (I know I sure do). These gluten free vegan oatmeal molasses muffins are not too sweet and have a great texture. I’m happy to say they are low-fat and sweetened with both coconut sugar and molasses. The applesauce and banana make them super moist. I like to make a batch at the beginning of the week and I’m set. A great grab-n-go breakfast or yummy guilt-free snack! Read the rest of this entry »

  21. Mini Caramel Apple Pies with Cinnamon Streusel {gluten-free, vegan}

    Mini Caramel Apple Pies with Cinnamon Streusel {gluten-free, vegan}

    In case you haven’t noticed, I have a thing for mini stuff! Why make a single large-sized pie, when you can have 12 tiny ones? I am not sure where or when this love affair began, but I constantly find myself opting for littler things over the traditional size. (spoiler alert: I have another mini dessert coming to the website later this week)

    When Attune Foods contacted me to develop a holiday-worthy dessert recipe using one of their Erewhon Supergrain cereals, I was excited for the challenge of recreating a classic sweet treat, like apple pie. I opted for mini apple pies with a deliciously simple crust and filling, a crunchy spiced streusel topping made with the buckwheat hemp cereal, all topped with a drizzle of my very easy-to-make vegan caramel sauce.

    Mini Caramel Apple Pies with Cinnamon Streusel {gluten-free, vegan}<

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