Iced Dirty Chai Almond Milk Latte {Gluten-free and Vegan}

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Iced Dirty Chai Almond Milk Lattte {Gluten-free and Vegan}

Many of you already know that I generally try to avoid most ALL dairy in my diet, but what you may not know is that I made the switch a long time ago to nut-based milks, even before I stopped consuming dairy in other places. The difference in how I feel consuming a plant-based milk versus regular dairy milk – is incredible. I find myself less bloated, I feel lighter and I can tell that it requires much less on my digestive system to process than cow’s milk dairy.

Most of you know, I generally prefer to make my own almond milk whenever I can, but there are times when our schedule is just so crazy – when we are traveling, we have house guests or I am just bogged down with work. When life gets busy like that, it usually means stopping to make my own almond milk, just isn’t in the schedule.

Iced Dirty Chai Almond Milk Lattte {Gluten-free and Vegan}

I am happy that with Silk’s Unsweetened Almondmilks, I can get the ease and health benefits of homemade almond milk but without all of the work. I also really like knowing that like the plants that Silk’s products are made from, when your body is getting everything it needs to be healthy, it blooms and is at it’s best. So for me, it’s wonderful that I still have the opportunity to reap all of those amazing benefits, even when I can’t make it myself.

One of my favorite things about Silk’s products is their commitment to the ingredients they are sourcing. Silk’s products are all certified Non-GMO and they are part of the Non-GMO Project, which is something I personally look for when I am at the store, these days. With most brands of almond milk, besides not being certified Non-GMO, most, including even the organic brands – contain that dreaded additive carrageenan, something I personally try to avoid whenever possible. So, I also really love that I know I can avoid that when buying Silk’s Almondmilks.

Iced Dirty Chai Almond Milk Lattte {Gluten-free and Vegan}

Here are some of the other amazing benefits of Silk’s Unsweetened Vanilla Almondmilk

• 30 calories per serving
• Absolutely no added sugar
• 50% more calcium than dairy milk
• Excellent source of vitamin E
• Absolutely no cholesterol or saturated fat
• Free of dairy, soy, lactose, gluten, casein, egg and MSG
• Verified by the Non-GMO Project’s product verification program
• No artificial colors, flavors or funny business

Iced Dirty Chai Almond Milk Lattte {Gluten-free and Vegan}

Today, I am sharing one of my very favorite ways to use Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Almondmilk – Below is my recipe for an Iced Dirty Chai Almond Milk Latte, made even easier with the Silk Almondmilk. This simple-to-make, coffee-house worthy beverage is full of so many incredible flavors. The spiciness from my homemade chai is complimented so nicely by the creamy Silk Almondmilk and the coffee is a unique and fun variation on the classic chai flavor, plus it gives you an extra little kick.

I had actually never even heard of a Dirty Chai until we moved out here to Southern California, but for me – it was love at first sip! if you are chai lover, that often feels like you can’t decide between that and coffee – I think you will really dig this one. Oh and if you prefer hot beverages, simply add all of the ingredients to a small saucepan and bring it to a quick simmer – serve hot with a little cinnamon on top.

Iced Dirty Chai Almond Milk Lattte {Gluten-free and Vegan}

[print_this]Iced Dirty Chai Almond Milk Latte – Gluten-free + Vegan
serves 1

  • 1 cup Silk Unsweetened Vanilla Almondmilk
  • ​1/2 cup homemade chai concentrate
  • 1/2 cup strong iced coffee (or espresso, in which case use less, likely just 1 shot)
  • ice
  • optional: additional sweetener of your choice

Add all of the ingredients, minus the ice, to a shaker or a jar with a lid. Shake really well, taste and add additional sweetener, if necessary. Pour over ice and serve immediately.[/print_this]

This is a sponsored conversation written by me on behalf of Silk. The opinions and text are all mine.

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9 Responses

  1. Boo! I don’t drink coffee or anything with caffeine, but I do love Silk’s almond milk (& I love anything chai flavored)! I bought a few last week & am already out. Silk makes the best non-dairy milks, IMO.

    • tastyyummies says:

      Haha yeh I actually try to limit my caffeine, too. But sometimes a girl just needs a little kick 😉 You could totally make the chai with an herbal tea or a decaf black and add a decaf coffee or even an herbal coffee substitute and get the same flavors I bet.
      I agree about Silk, so nice to have a great option that I can trust, when I can’t make it myself.

      • I actually drink Pero, which is not gluten-free (it’s made from roasted
        barley), but it has a bitter coffee taste (although I’m just guessing what
        coffee tastes like, since would you believe it, I’ve never actually tried
        coffee before!) that I think may be a good substitute. I will try it out &
        let you know if it turns out with a sub 🙂

  2. Kristin says:

    Happy to see chai of any kind! Love your composition and colors.
    Glad to see that this Silk variety doesn’t have carrageenan. However, not exactly thrilled w/the “natural flavors” and other new to me additives that I think might be thickening agents. I still have your recipe for Homemade Raw Almond Milk on my to do list.
    Thank you for all that you do!

    • tastyyummies says:

      Thanks for the kind words about the photos. I am still learning so much about photography so the compliments mean the world. Thank you.
      I hear ya on the additives in general for for pretty much anything store bought, which is why I prefer to make my own whenever possible with all of it. It is nice though when I am in a pinch that at least I can avoid the carrageenan and any GMOs. Silk really is the best option with all of that.

  3. Leigh says:

    All I can say is yummmm!! Love homemade almond milk, love your chai recipe and I love coffee. It’s a combo made in heaven. I also avoid carrageenan and though I prefer homemade it’s nice to have options. 🙂

    Thank you for all you do!!

  4. I like to make my own milks when I can, but when I buy it, this is always the brand I go for too!

  5. Michelle says:

    Yummmm, I just happen to have a bottle of your Chai concentrate made up in the fridge, I will be giving it a whirl this morning. I’m off to our Gluten Free expo here in Perth, I hope it is half as cool as the one over your way 🙂

  6. Valarie says:

    Honestly, I’m a big fan of almond milk, and I agree that the whole body feels and works better when not using cow’s milk. Thanks for sharing this recipe, I also love iced drinks.

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