Tag Archives: mayo

  1. Dairy-free Ranch Dressing {Paleo}

    This Dairy-free Ranch Dressing is a staple item in our home. It’s ready in just minutes and made with super simple and clean ingredients. You can avoid dairy, sugar and corn syrup, terrible vegetable oils and artificial flavors usually found in most ranch dressings.

    Dairy-free Ranch Dressing

    Dairy-free Ranch Dressing

    Ranch dressing used to be one of my favorites. There was a time in my life where my snack of choice was pretzels with two bowls for dipping. One had yellow mustard, the other, creamy ranch dressing! Ah those were the days.

    Nowadays, you know that I prefer to avoid store bought dressings, because most are just loaded with crap (the many offender being vegetable oils), so I choose to make my own. Making your own salad dressings and vinaigrettes is a very simple task, you can control the ingredients, the flavors and the quantity. My dairy-free ranch dressing recipe is a staple food in our house!

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  2. How-to Make Vegan Mayonnaise

    Tutorial Tuesdays // Tasty Yummies

    How-to Make Vegan Mayonnaise

    It wasn’t that long ago that I shared a tutorial for How-to Make Homemade Mayonnaise. Right now, that feels like a lifetime ago. I am currently just over 2 weeks into a 6 week elimination diet with my naturopathic doctor, as we work to support my health, after I was diagnosed with IgA Nephropathy, an autoimmune form of kidney disease. We are working through what could be several rounds of an elimination diet to explore what in my diet could possibly be causing an autoimmune response and affecting my kidneys. This round of the elimination diet, in addition to all meat which was removed from my diet 4 weeks prior, (as animal protein is highly taxing to the kidneys), she has also had me remove eggs and dairy for a minimum of 6 weeks. Dairy has been no big deal, I ate so little of it as it was, it’s the eggs that has been quite challenging for me.

    How-to Make Vegan Mayonnaise

    How-to Make Vegan Mayonnaise

    With all of my current restrictions on this elimination diet, plus my already existing intolerances and dietary choices, I have to be honest and tell you it’s been a challenging 2 weeks. I have found in my current state, even without meat, eggs and dairy, legumes are simply not agreeing with me, likely the leaky gut I was diagnosed with at the first appointment. I work hard to limit my intake of grains on a daily basis, I avoid soy and of course, we all know I can’t have gluten and I don’t eat processed foods – so as you can imagine I have been working really hard to rethink my meals and meal planning, to rethink my snacks and I have been looking for protein and healthy fats in new places. Some days it feels easy and I am simply focused on the other side and what I am working so hard for, and other days, you may just find me in the corner of the kitchen crying over the egg sandwich my husband is starting his day with. Read the rest of this entry »

  3. How-to Make Homemade Mayonnaise

    Tutorial Tuesdays // Tasty Yummies

    How-to Make Homemade Mayonnaise from @tastyyummies

    Homemade mayonnaise might be one of my favorite, simple DIY foods. The very first time you make it, you’ll be wondering why you haven’t done it before. Once you see how simple it is to make and how incredibly delicious it is, you’ll be hooked, too. As usual, beyond the taste, what I really love is how I have control over all of the ingredients and I know the quality of the eggs and oil used and I know that there are no additional preservatives or stabilizers being added.

    We get farm fresh pastured-raised eggs delivered to our home weekly, the farmer himself, drops them by. Before you even taste Tony’s eggs, you will notice a significant difference in the color of the yolks, compared to regular store-bought eggs (even the fancy organic, “free range” ones). The color is so vibrant, more of a golden orange color, much like the sun, rather than a pale, pastel yellow, like most eggs. There is truly nothing like farm fresh eggs, everything you make with them is tastier than you can ever imagine.

    How-to Make Homemade Mayonnaise from @tastyyummies

    Most store bought mayonnaises rely on canola oil and other less ideal vegetable oils. What I love about making my own mayo at home is that I can use the highest quality eggs and oils. I generally prefer to use a mix of organic extra virgin olive oil (Terra Delyssa, of course) and either coconut oil or MCT oil. Avocado oil and macadamia nut oil are also both really great options.

    For the purpose  and ease of step-by-step photos and for dramatics (and a good arm workout), I made this batch by hand, just a bowl and a whisk. That’s all you need. But generally I make it in my blender or food processor, which is much easier. An immersion blender would really do the trick. (and it will be done probably in less than 1 minute)

    How-to Make Homemade Mayonnaise from @tastyyummies

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