Sweet Green Smoothie (Banana Broccoli) – Gluten-free and Vegan

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Green Smoothie

I seriously cannot get enough green stuff right now. I am just craving it. This smoothie is something I threw together with what I had on hand, after we got home from our weekend in Big Bear.

It is creamy, green and healthy plus it tastes super good, too. Please don’t let the broccoli throw you off, it brings a really nice texture and a unique taste. Though broccoli can be bitter at times, the sweetness from the banana and the honey offset and mask that, so it’s a great way to sneak your greens into a smoothie. (you can always pre-steam your broccoli too, but I don’t find it necessary) If you practice rotating your leafy greens, which is important, broccoli is a nice change of pace from kale or spinach in your green smoothies.

Like other cruciferous vegetables, broccoli contains phytonutrients, such as isothiocynates, believed to ward off cancer by deactivating a potent estrogen metabolite that promotes tumor growth, especially in estrogen-sensitive breast cells.  Broccoli also contains glucoraphanin, a phytonutrient that aids in the process of boosting the liver’s detoxification enzymes.  Additionally, when broccoli is cut, chewed or digested a sulfur-containing compound called sinigrin is brought into contact with the enzyme myrosinase, which results in the release of compounds known inhibit cell division.[1]

Broccoli has amazing antioxidant benefits plus about twice the daily recommended amount of vitamin C and half of vitamin A. It will also give you plenty of calcium, iron, fiber, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, magnesium.

If your blender isn’t super powerful, be aware that you may end up with a slightly chunkier smoothie. I don’t have a Vitamix or Blendtec myself, I use this one, and it handled the broccoli like a champ.

So what do ya say, would you be into a broccoli smoothie?

[print_this]Sweet Green Smoothie (Banana Broccoli) – Gluten-free and Vegan
serves 1

1 1/2 cups almond milk or other non-dairy milk
1 organic banana, preferably frozen
1 small bunch of organic broccoli florets (stalk removed), I used about 1/4 pound
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1 tablespoon raw honey or maple syrup

Add all of the ingredients to your high speed blender and process until smooth and creamy. Enjoy immediately.[/print_this]






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12 Responses

  1. I’m right there with you – craving greens/smoothies like crazy! This looks wonderful! I never thought to but broccoli in a smoothie, can’t wait to try it 🙂

  2. Stella S says:

    Gee Beth, I never considered adding broccoli to any of my smoothies. I guess to me, it doesn’t sound very appealing, and now that you’ve spelled it out, it feels like a head smack moment….I promise (as soon as I can get out to the store) to at least try it one time and report back to you.
    BTW, for those of you who don’t have a”fancy” blender, I used a second hand cheap blender for a long time, and it got the job done all the same. I now use a Vitamix that was given to me.

  3. Yvonne G. says:

    Jeremy and I just got back from a week in Mexico and while there I was madly in love with the Jugo Verde they served at breakfast. I tried to ask the chef what was in it, and the most I could glean was apple (I don’t know if he meant juice or pieces), celery and he pointed at some sort of leafy green that was maybe parsley (though I think he said cactus). Anyway I’ve looked all over for a recipe and there are simply hundreds of variations.

    Anyway my point is, I’ve never ever been someone who thought I’d enjoy veggies in my smoothie, but I’m inspired to try! I’ll be giving this recipe a shot, for sure. Thank you for sharing it!

  4. Allison says:

    Hey Beth,
    I’m a new reader and haven’t commented but I just could not resist on this post. Yesterday I finished the remainder of frozen fruit I had in my freezer and I thought I was going to have to go to the store before breakfast if I was going to eat a smoothie today but lo-and-behold, I see this recipe in my Reader. I totally have some broccoli and a banana in my fridge! Horray! I will not be smoothieless for another day. Thanks for the recipe 🙂

  5. […] Tasty Yummies shared a Sweet Green (Banana and Broccoli) Smoothie […]

  6. […] Sweet Green Smoothie by, Tasty Yummies […]

  7. Pando says:

    I just stumbled upon this recipe while looking for smoothie ideas… I have just finished drinking a whole pint of this and it’s possibly one of the best smoothies I’ve ever tasted.
    Thank you!!! 🙂

    • tastyyummies says:

      OMG thank you so much Pando. I am so glad you like it. Surprising how delicious broccoli in a smoothie can be, right?

  8. Tim says:

    Found this via Google-amazing recipe, broccoli for breakfast everyday now – thank you!

  9. Angie says:

    I made this today and it tastes delicious! Thank you so much for this recipe!

  10. Amber says:

    This is fine with the stalk, too. I had leftover broccoli stalk and stems from when I used a spiralizer on broccoli stalk, and used it in a smoothie. One of my favorite things about smoothies is that I can use all my leftover pieces of fruits and veggies 🙂

  11. Christopher says:

    Hi Beth,

    I AM a big smoothie drinker and pretty much all I go on in a day and usually not til 5pm-10pm at night. I AM living mostly off of meditation, Sun Gazing and building my connection to Mother Earth by connecting our energy to be ONE. I have been fully Awakened to beyond this life, past lives, my Star Forms and Star Family, leaving my body, open chakras, visions, remote viewing and so on. Haha, I know “what the …..” lol its what we are meant to be as Divine Human Beings and use to be before our “fall” in Consciousness by internal and external means and forces and I plan on not ever having to eat again soon <3 Anyway I drink about 160-240 ounces of water a day as meditation, working with energies and this ascension process takes lots of water to keep you hydrated. I had a dream last night about Broccoli, one of my childhood and still arch enemies lol #Yuck. So at this time in my process it is evident my Higher Self wants me to add it to my diets and NO WAY am I eating it lol. My smoothies consists of a variety of fruit puree/juices, fresh fruit, oat milk, ice cubes, tablespoons of chia, raw shelled hemp and poppy seeds. Chia for fiber, protein, minerals and a tad of calcium. Hemp for protein, omegas and minerals and Poppy for protein and lots of Calcium. My question is, will I taste the Broccoli at all or even a lil bit with your recipe or adding to mine? I make tons of varieties of smoothies daily and some 5 star ones lol, but I eat my raw veggies on the side; like celery, tomatos, radishes, avocado (fruit?), kale, spinach and like to use Hummus on them at times. So will I tastes it or no? Thank you very much for the recipe and looking for to a truthful "No" on the taste haha. I AM already dry heaving thinking of this green yuckyness in my smoothie lol.

    Love Christopher <3

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