Infused Waters to Keep You Hydrated this Summer

We all know how important it is to stay hydrated, year round, but this is especially important in the summer. When the weather is hot and you are spending much of the day outside being active, it is extra important to drink more fluids than usual and most especially that you are doing so before you start feeling thirsty – as that is a sure sign you are on your way to dehydration.

Did you know that every single cell in the human body needs water to function properly? Much like the plants in your garden, your cells, too, can perk up immediately upon watering. It’s that simple.

What Does Water Do in My Body?

Water Helps Your Body with the Following:

  • Getting rid of waste through urination, perspiration, and bowel movements.
  • Keeping it’s temperature normal.
  • Lubricating and cushioning your joints.
  • Protecting your spinal cord and other sensitive tissues.

Tips for Drinking More Water:

  • Drink a glass of water as soon as you wake up in the morning (I prefer mine warm with a little lemon).
  • Carry a dedicated bottle or container with you are all times, at work, at home, even if you are just out running a few errands.
  • Use an app on your mobile phone to track your water intake or simply set an alert on your phone to remind you.
  • Choose water at restaurants instead of other beverages. not only will you save on calories while simultaneously hydrating yourself, but it also saves money.
  • When you are hungry, start with a glass of water before you reach for the snack. sometimes feelings of hunger are actually your body telling you that it’s thirsty. it may just curb the cravings.
  • Drink before you eat. 16 ounces 30 minutes before every meal can actually keep you from over indulging. make this a regular practice and you might even find yourself losing weight.
  • Infuse and flavor your own water.

Infused Waters to Keep You Hydrated this Summer

Today, I am sharing with you one of my very favorite ways to stay hydrated during the summer months…


Infused water is not only a tasty way to stay hydrated but it is nutritional, healthy, fresh and all-natural!

How-to Make Infused Water:

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