I so happy to have my friend Leanne of Healthful Pursuit  joining us today as our guest blogger, with this incredible porridge recipe that is not only vegan, paleo and gluten-free but also safe for the candida diet. Leanne is an amazing positive-energy, filled beauty of a woman, that I am so honored to have known now for many years. Now that we are both on the West Coast and each working on our yoga teacher trainings, I have a feeling there will be even more collaborations between the two of us. Take it away Leanne!


Masala Chai Squash Porridge - Gluten-free, Vegan and Paleo

I’ve made something for you.

Something that just about everyone in your life can enjoy no matter their food allergies, sensitivities or eating style.
Because I believe that it is possible for women to live a liberated life on a restricted diet.

Vegan, paleo, gluten-free, candida diet, you name it, they can have this porridge and most of the recipes on my food blog, Healthful Pursuit.
So, preheat your oven, grab a squash, and let’s get making some porridge… masala chai style. Masala Chai Squash Porridge! Read the rest of this entry »