Cantaloupe Creamsicle Smoothie
Part of the self-initiated responsibility that I have gladly taken on with Tasty Yummies and now as I move towards my Nutritional Therapy Practice, is to not only read about and research how traditional whole foods can play a role in our healthy lifestyles and healing journeys, but to also keep my ear to the ground about new (or new to me) nutrient-dense alternative foods. I especially am drawn to foods that are more under the radar, that may be of benefit to my readers and their health.

I know that with this community we have created together here, we have a wide array or food allergies and intolerances and unique health concerns, so whenever I come across a food that may be of benefit to the community, I get really excited. Like little-kid-on-Christmas-morning stoked!

This particular discovery was one that I had heard about, long before I had the opportunity to sample it for myself. Camel milk. Yes, you heard me correctly, milk from a camel. Now, before you shy away I think it’s important to learn what makes this 100% wholesome, raw and natural milk an amazing alternative to cow’s milk.

Cantaloupe Creamsicle Smoothie


For centuries, man has subsisted on raw camel milk – and this wisdom must be passed on! Unlike the homogenized, de-fatted and pasteurized cow’s milk you’ll find at the store, that is devoid of almost all of the beneficial vitamins and minerals naturally found, Desert Farms Camel Milk is raw, non-homogenized, it contains no hormones, preservatives or additives and the milk comes from camels that are pasture raised, 100% grass-fed on non-gmo feed and they are grain-free.

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